Contest !"The time"

Assalamualaikum steemians ❤️

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah.

This contest is very interesting and I really like to talk about time because time is very precious but some of the people ignores it.

Do I feel that I utilise my time in a good way or I have any regret about time?

Whenever I was in my childhood and special in my college life then in first year of intermediate I do not focus on my studies too much and that was my last moment of life in which I was my time.

I don't secure good grades that's why I felt that time how much it is important to give importance to time because once the time passes then it's never returns.


If I talk about my current situation then I am happy with myself because I am utilising my time in my best way as I can so there is no regret now in my life and as the above story is too much old so I always remember this story to give motivation to others who was their time but I don't remember that time for regret because I know that human can mistakes but if we can learn then it is the best thing.

In which thing I like to spend my whole day?

I like to spend my whole day in different things but I always like to utilise my time in a good way means I always busy myself in doing my work related to business and I also like to busy myself in delivering lectures and giving my knowledge to my students in the form of different concepts.

I like to spend my most of the time of day in doing different things but it doesn't mean that I have a sedantay lifestyle I also manage my time for my exercise and for my Healthy lifestyle as it is also very important because if you are not healthy then you cannot utilise your time in a good way.

Time is moving faster than before?

Actually this thing doesn't happen but when you change your routine and change your life from negative towards positive then you feels that I was moving faster than before as I have change my lifestyle in a way that when I was young then I was not too much responsible but now I am too much responsible and I know that how to secure my time that's why when you get busy then you always feels that time is passing speedly.


When you busy yourself then your time passes or when you waste your time in doing something else and specially then you are free and there is no activity in your life then it is important to note that you will feel that your time is not passing.

How I spend my thinking by thinking present,past,future?

I am a person who always likes to live in present because to think about your past is mainly the wastage of your time because any mistake that you made in your past can never be reverse but if you further think about fast then it will spoil your present time that's why first of all I want to eliminate the past from my life.

Future can always be good if you would make your present beautiful that's why I always focus on my present and I always like to try very hard for making my present meaningful and in this way I feel relax about my future automatically.

I like to share my age or not or I want to have a stop in time or not?

There is nothing in my age to hide and I don't know that why people scared to tell about their actual age but I always feel proud to tell others about my age and I don't like to hide my age to share my age with others.


Time is a thing which can never stop but if I talk about my choice then I don't want any stop in time and I want to move with time but I also pray for the good times in my life because time passes but it's a good thing and a good opportunity to pass your time having good memories.

Thanks 💕

I want to give an invitation to @fjjrg , @wilmer1988 , @Josevas217 , @mile16 , @malikusman1


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