SEC-S10W5 | Patience.

Hello dear friends,

I am very happy to participate in this SEC10 WEEK 5 contest: and the subject of this challenge has gradually drawn my attention, and I am eager to write about it.

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Do you tend to lose your patience easily or do you control yourself all the time?

Patience is an important requirement of life. There is a saying in Tamil "Poruthar Bhumi Aalwar" which means one who is patient will get a chance to dig this earth and one who rushes will lose all chances.


I have missed some opportunities in my life without patience, before marriage I was hasty in many things, after marriage I practice patience. Because I am in a position where I have to make an important decision and I trust it a lot. Decisions taken with patience give good results. Rushing causes us a lot of harm and damage. At the same time, sometimes we have to lose our patience, and in that case I get angry, or nervous.

However, my nature is to listen to advice from others, and my patience has been well rewarded by listening to advice given by those around me.

What is it that makes you most desperate or stressful?

India is a very populous country where ever we go in our country it is crowded places like bank temple theater where more people gather then we are forced to stand in a group during such standing time if someone over decks us and comes earlier I get angry then I can't be patient.


Similarly, when someone is in authority, when he abuses his authority, I get angry and I can't be patient. I have no patience when any government official or government employee asks for bribe to do their duty.

Also. I have no patience when I see men who are drunk and assault women or children

How do you avoid losing your patience?

No matter how well-matched you and your partner are, there are bound to be disagreements on some issues. My husband never takes anything too seriously. That would be terribly annoying to me. But when I first saw him, I really liked how relaxed he was. He remains calm even in difficult situations. I really like it. It is difficult to be patient if you keep looking at the flaws like this, If it's a small issue, I apologize to each other and don't talk about it again


When you lose patience, how do you act?

Patience is hard to develop, but very easy to lose. Sometimes I can be patient with my friend, but not with my husband. I think I know all his faults well because my husband is always there too. I speak whatever is on my mind, sometimes I say things that should not be said. If I had more patience, I would have really thought about talking like that, and I would have not even spoken. But patience is a sign of love and respect. So, patience is very important for my married life.


What advice can you give us regarding patience?

Patience may be practised and learnt, and it manifests itself while someone prioritises thoughts above feelings. We are all aware that persistence is necessary for achievement because it permits us to hold our energy to overcome all the problems that stand in our manner of attaining our targets and pursuits.

Patience is a fine that permits us to live focused in the face of problems and hurdles in our lives. When we're feeling crushed via boundaries, it's miles useful to reframe the issue. If we want to do something considerable in lifestyles, we must be affected person. Patience is a expertise that everyone must try to grasp. This article emphasises the cost of persistence at work.


Patience is a shape of self-discipline. Remember to be affected person while you are irritated. Patience is the key to dwelling a glad and calm existence. We ought to learn that endurance is crucial for fulfillment due to the fact right things take time to recognize. Patience is crucial to undertaking our goals and goals.

I would like to invite @ahlawat, @shiftitamanna , @ceramixer, @shravana to take part in this wondeful contest and win.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-


 last year 

Saludos @jyoti-thelight.

Que bueno que luego del matrimonio hayas podido desarrollar un mayor nivel de calma y paciencia, esto es importante para lograr nuestros objetivos, ya que no siempre todo funciona como lo esperamos y debemos enfrentar situaciones en las que se pone a prueba nuestra paciencia y autocontrol.

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Fecha de verificación04/07/2023

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Thank you for the review

 last year 

Saludos amigo qué interesante participación porque además de ilustrar la paciencia como un gran valor como ciertamente es expresas dos aspectos muy interesantes de la misma, como que es una autodisciplina porque la verdad es muy lamentable vivir irritado y lo otro, es que abre las puertas a vivir una existencia alegre y tranquila eso es lo que debemos pensar principalmente a la hora de querer desarrollar paciencia en nuestra vida porque querer es poder. Exitos en tu excelente entrada Saludos cordiales.

Thank you for reading my blog and giving a valuable feedback and compliments

I agree that patience is the key to success and happiness.
Good luck in this Challenge my friend 👌

Thank you very much for the compliments

 last year 

La paciencia es una virtud que debemos cultivar.
De joven quizás no éramos pacientes pero una ves que tenemos nuestra pareja hay que cultivarla
Buen post

Yes, When we were young, perhaps we were not patient, but once we have our partner, we have to cultivate it, thank you for reading and passing a lovely comments

Dear @jyoti-thelight mam
The only way to a disciplined life is patience. Patience is one of the main qualities of a strong minded person. If a man wants to succeed in life, he must be patient.

Your words about patience are so true. Thank you very much ma'am for the invite. I wish you all the best.

We experience over time. Which takes us to be patient. Only then life becomes beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

 last year 

Hay que aprender del morrocoyo que con mucha paciencia recorre largas distancia, hasta llegar a la meta traslada, eso aplica para todo, en el trabajo, el matrimonio, la universidad, entre otras.

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