Tell me, who is your favorite historical character?

in Scouts y sus Amigos4 months ago
Good day my fellow steemians, hope you all are good time with your love ones, it my pleasure to welcome you guys in this wonderful contest "who is your favorite historical character?"organized by @fjjrg.

First of all i will like to let you all know the meaning of historical character.... which can be seen as those people who have provided a good and Valid character, attitudes, integrity, their perfect way of life they lived, and mostly what their contribution to the growth of the community or country .

who is your favorite historical character? And why
When i was in primary school we were taught about a great South African president called Nelson Mandela who was born in 18 July 1918 and died 5 December 2013, we were told so many good things about him since the class was fun and interesting I decided to go ahead
reading his biography which made me known more about him that's why I consider him my best or favorite historical character, Nelson Mandela former South African president became popular because of his commitment to peace, determination, humility, negotiation and reconciliation with the people who made him suffer in prison, Nelson Mandela is also Known and loved by people not only in his home town but also around the world for his commitment to peace, negotiation and reconciliation as mentioned above his full name is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who is South Africa's first democratically elected president from the year 1994 to 1999.

He was south Africa first black president who was awarded the Nobel Peace award for his efforts to end apartheid in South Africa.Nelson mandela has earned more than 200 honors and he is known universally as one of the most important figures of the 20th century and an image of democracy and social justice, Nelson Mandela was also a philanthropist with an abiding love for children.


So all what am trying to say is that he is one of the greatest historical character despite the fact that he was once a prisoner that doesn't change anything but instead help him achieve his goal, and showed to the world what he is made off , everybody will want to be like him but it take the grace of God to overcome and forgive to who people who offend you not to talk of sending you to prison,

I have come to the end of this wonderful contest, and I will like to appreciate the effort of the organizer@fjjrg and to invite my fellow steemians @radjasalman, @olesia, @kidi40 to take part in this amazing contest, thanks

 4 months ago 

Nelson Mandela fue y sigue siendo un gran personaje para el país sudafricano, su corazón humilde y el amor a su país lo llevaron a ser muy querido , tuvo una buena actuación en la política y ganó el premio nobel de la paz

 4 months ago 

Muchas personas en el mundo lo reconocen como un ícono de la paz, de la lucha por la democracia y la libertad de expresión. El hecho de ser prisionero por sus ideas, le dieron la fuerza de seguir adelante y a pesar de haber estado prisionero por muchos años, eso no quebrantó su espíritu, al contrario, tomó una fuerza inmensa y le dio más poder, al punto de llevarlo a la liberación y posteriormente a convertirse en el primer presidente sudafricano originario de sus propias tierras.

Muere a los 95 años, con toda una vida de luchas en aras de la libertad de su pueblo.

Excelente selección de personaje.

Participante # 17


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