"My best Outfit."

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago

Hello, friends welcome to a post in which I have shared with you my best outfit as organized by @turituri. It is said that looking good is a good business and when you dress well people are attracted to you.

This is the more reason why 90% of ladies like dressing well, which in my case, I also like dressing putting on the outfit that would match my appearance based on where I am going to and what I am going to do in the place. Take a look at the pictures shared below 👇.


The above pictures the of me wearing my best outfits. I so much like the outfit because of how quality and unique the color of the outfit is. It matches my color of skin and makes me look so beautiful. Yesterday Sunday was the first time I wore the outfit to church.

As my friends saw me with the outfit they began asking me where I got the outfit from, and if I could give them directions of where I bought the outfit from which I told them that I bought the outfit from a female boutique.

After I returned from church and relaxed for some our, I then wore the outfit and went out to a restaurant with my friend. It was at the restaurant that I took the selfie picture below.


While waiting for my order to arrive I began using my phone to take selfies at the restaurant. Despite being at night the outfit still makes me look beautiful. The outfit is indeed, nice and we'll design it. I love the design, and the material used in making the outfit, which according to the woman that I bought the outfit from her boutique who recommended that I buy it said, the outfit was made in Dubai which is why it is expensive.

Yesterday I wore the outfit to church, came back, and went out to have a nice time with a good friend of mine, I was just so happy with myself because of how good I was looking based on the outfit that I wore.

I am inviting; @ibraheem75, @owulama, and @dave-hanny

 3 months ago 

Hola amiga tienes razón el atuendo lo que nos ponemos diariamente dice mucho de nosotros, es sabio tener puesto un outfit que sea de agrado para cualquier persona, caer bien también cuenta con la ropa.

Me impresiona el hecho de que tu atuendo haya sido confeccionado en Dubai, se debe de ser de marca, es impresionante.


Thank you for reading my post.


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