SEC - S8W3: "What is your favorite children's story and why?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year


Dear all...

Parents have an important role in the growth and development of children, in the growth and development phase the family environment should be a priority scale for parents in stimulating cognitive development, social life and forming emotional intelligence through interaction with the surrounding environment.

Positive communication that is built on the principle of warmth will encourage children to continue to be active at their age. The topic of Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 regarding children's stories can be used as a medium in training cognitive, emotional, social life, responsibility and spiritual functions in accordance with stories that are appropriate for their age.

What is your favorite children's story, why? - Have children's stories taught you anything, marked you or influenced you in your life?


Illustration of Malin Kundang becoming a stone Image by Rich Enders from Pixabay

As a father of two children, every night before they go to sleep I always read various stories to my two children, from a number of stories that I read from several books that I bought, in general, I encourage giving my two children an understanding of life, responsibility/discipline, honesty and devotion to his parents, Malin Kundang and Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih are the two most memorable folktales in my life because I heard this story when I was 5 years old (circa 1988).

There are many things that can be learned and emulated from these two stories, for example, Malin Kundang, this story tells about the life of a poor family whose then Malin Kundang his social status changed drastically when he migrated, (Malin Kundang) did not recognize his mother after the success achieved during overseas, his mother cursed him to stone.

This story has been a valuable lesson in my life since I was little and I continue to preserve it as an educational story for my two children. Devotion to both parents is the most important foundation in life and this is in accordance with religious teachings. In addition to a strong religious understanding of filial piety to both parents, the story seems to be a reminder that parents are everything in life.

As a form of dedication to my parents, in 2007 I dedicated myself by spending all the time available to accompany both parents for regular check-ups with specialists in heart and internal medicine. decreased from time to time due to age and illness.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them.


3 Books I often read to my two children

To fulfill my children's curiosity about folklore, fairy tales or other stories I have read many children's stories both online and offline, these books contain various kinds of children's stories, for example as shown in the table below :

Story TitleStory Digest
Putri SaljuThe girl who lived with her mother and two stepsisters, was later married by the prince
Putri DuyungThe story of the friendship of a human-faced fish with humans
Malin KundangFolktales about Children of Disobedience
Putri Dambaan HatiThe fruit of the prince's patience who longed for a beautiful wife
The Story of Prophets and ApostlesExemplify the nature and personality of the Messenger of God
Bawang Merah dan Bawang PutihThe goodness in life
If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

I often tell various stories to my two children, in general, the topic of the story refers to their requests and is based on the results of previous verification. This means that not all the stories that I want are fulfilled because some of the stories are not appropriate for their age. In the current era of globalization, both television and gadgets provide a variety of stories, and children with high curiosity tend to dig up information on their own and ask their parents for help.

The story that I often tell is about Malin Kundang, Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih and Putri Snow, while my son (fayyadh) prefers stories about **Cars ** and other children's games.

The stories I read to my daughter contain an educational element, she understands the meaning of patience, because every story tells about a life that is bitter and ends with happiness, for example, in Cinderella, if Malin Kundang educates him to be a child who respects parents as an important part of his life, he will instil noble values of character by applying them in the lives of other children, both in the Pre-School environment (kindergarten) and in other informal educational environments.

Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it


My two children

I don't have any special notes about a story, so far to fulfil the requests of my two children, sometimes I have to make up random stories, without reading material and not written on a specific document, because the story is only born from my own thoughts according to requests. the two children, feel happy with these stories because they insert various advice, lessons and even humour that make them laugh and even fall asleep.

One of the stories that I tell is about the adventures of two small children before the Earthquake and Tsunami. This event is a real incident that occurred in 2004, but I describe it as if they were part of that event. This story is told because my two children like sea water and sand on the beach, so to limit my desires I have to tell an important historical journey and I substituted their names in the storyline.

They liked the story and realized that Tsunamis are big waves and the importance of disaster preparedness by seeking higher ground and avoiding the sea when an earthquake strikes.

That's my short writing about Children's Stories, I hope my friend @heriadi @kouba01 and @Patjewell can participate in this topic so that it becomes a reference and reading material for me to apply in my life and the two children that I have.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


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 last year 

You know, when my daughter was a tiny tot and I had to take her to nursery school for the first time her teacher, a lady who is now 96 and still teaches kindergarten, told me that whatever you put into your children you will get back.
Never stop reading to your kiddies! It is the one thing they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
As for the stories you shared.... AWESOME!!
Thanks for the invite and good luck with the contest! 🤛

 last year 

Cerita anak Malin kundang dan bawang merah dan bawang putih adalah cerita anak paling favorit di Indonesia, banyak motivasi yang dapat saya ambil dari kedua cerita tersebut, salah satunya ialah kita harus selalu baik dan berbakti kepada orang tua kita agar hidup kita bisa bahagia sampai akhir hayat kita, semoga kita sukses di kontes ini bang.

 last year 

Como bien dices, los cuentos son una herramienta muy útil para alimentar o desarrollar la creatividad en los niños pero lo mas importante es que de una forma muy sencilla y entretenida le dejan para siempre bonitas enseñanzas de vida, tal cual como lo has compartido, con Malin Kundang entendiste la importancia de honrar y respetar a tus padres toda la vida.

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 last year 

Saludos amigo, no tengo el placer de conocer de tu cuento de propia mano, pero por todos los detalles que relatas se ve muy interesante y de grandes reflexiones, gracias por compartirlo.

Bewang merah, and Putih story is nice. And the story putri salju, meets with the famous story cenderalla.
All of these are read able. But my focus is always on stories those are based on ground reality. As there's no way to like super heros stories. Because no moral is in these stories. But yeah people enjoy to watch these as comics

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