*SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials".

Thank you Scouts y sus Amigos for selecting the topic of discussion for the engagement challenge session 17 in week 4. I'm glad to participate in SEC - S17W4 | "Los extraterrestres" / "Extraterrestrials"


"At this very minute, with almost absolute certainty, radio waves sent forth by other intelligent civilizations are falling on the Earth... Someday, from somewhere out among the stars, will come the answers to many of the oldest, most important. and most exciting questions mankind has asked."

Frank Drake (1962)

Do you believe that extraterrestrials exist?


Far from being a fringe belief the opinion that aliens inteligence exits somewhere out in space expressed by 54 percent of Americans polled in a recent survey.

Is there extraterrestrial intelligent life? (percent)

CountryBelieveDon't believeDon't know
United States542422
United Kingdom522820

What is the most likely reason for the lack of evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, despite the incredibly high chance that it exists somewhere in the universe? (percent of those who believe in E.T. life)

Intelligent E.T. He is too far away to contact Earth58
Human technology is not advanced enough to communicate with intelligent ETs57
Intelligent E.Ts know that famam exist but choose to not contact Earth24
Intelligent E.T. technology is not advanced enough to communicate with Earth19
Intelligent ETs contacted or visted Earth, but long before the development of human civilization19
Intelligent ET have contacted Earth, but the government has covered it up17
Intelligent ETs Destroy themselves before developing communications technology6


Do you know of anyone who claims to have seen them?


Active SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence), or messaging to Extraterrestrial intelligence (METI), has taken many forms, from encoded radio signals to artifacts attached to space probes sent out of this solar system.

Critics of METI point out that alerting intelligent elien to our existence may not be a good idea. Stephen Hawking has noted that meetings between advanced and less advanced human populations in the past have often not worked out well for the less advanced population.

Some scientists estimated that life could have evolved very quickly after Big Bang perhaps when the universe was only 15 million years old.

Life that evolved intelligence rapidly could therefore have a civilization that is now more than 13 billion years old.

What do you think of those who claim that they have always been here and have helped mankind? Give examples.


Avi Loeb a professor of Harvard who was inspired of looking ET after an Interstellar object entered our solar system in 2017. It was given the name Omumuamua.

If we discover inteligent life in universe that would be extraordinary, It's hardly to assess what the likelihood of the success would be in that, but we all think that it's pretty low.

There was time when we thought the Earth was flat. Eventually we figure it out.

There are many things still around us which we don't understand about how the universe works.

We should be guided by evidence and not by our emotions and prejudices.

Will we ever know the truth about this subject?


IT'S NOT A PARADOX: The fact that we don't see evidence of allens in space does not means they do not exist. Aliens could be all around us, but we don't know how to recognize them Perhaps radio is not the best means of interstellar communications and nobody else uses it.

ALIENS DON'T BEHAVE HOW WE EXPECT : The assumption that alien civilizations would expand continually through the galaxy, and that their colonies would persist for millions or billions of years, could be wrong. Perhaps space travel is so difficult and expensive that nobody does it.

I would like to invite three of fellow Steemians to participate in the contest. @viajarparasanar @yakspeace @aprendeconkevin

Thank you for reading my post.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amigo, realmente has capturado la esencia del tema con claridad y profundidad tienes una habilidad para entrelazar datos con la narrativa y eso es bastante impresionante, es lo que hace que tu post destaque.

Tienes razón al decir que quizás hemos creado un concepto erróneo sobre los aliens, y que ellos realmente no se comportan como creemos, además nada nos asegura que hayan evolucionado a un nivel para viajar a través de las galaxias o que tengan capacidades superiores a las de nosotros.

¡Espero que algún día podamos tener las respuestas a todas estas preguntas, te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso y te mando un saludo!

Thank you for the supportive comments and good wishes.

 6 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Tenía conocimientos de que los estadounidenses creían en los extraterrestres pero, jamás me imaginé que fuera un porcentaje tan elevado y bueno, ya caigo en cuenta de por qué es el país que más destaca esta teoría y fíjate, siempre he tenido a los alemanes como escépticos pero, ya veo que no es así jajajaja.

Pienso que este tema jamás dejará de ser controversial e independientemente de que en algún momento se revele la verdad de esta historia, no dejaremos de tener muchas interrogantes de ellos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you for explaining the situation so nicely and good wishes.

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