SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country "

Thank you Scouts y sus Amigos for selecting the topic of discussion for the engagement challenge session 17 in second week. I'm glad to participate in SEC-S17/W2 | Homeless people in my country



Are there homeless people in your country?

According to last census in the year 2011 it is seen that 0.15% people are homeless in India. 1.7 Million People were living under the sky without any cover above head. States such as Gujarat, Chandigarh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra reported houseless population above 0.30% in 2001

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless and without a family?

One of the main reasons of homelessness is due to Ostracization of a family for wrong doing. They are compelled to leave their village or town. Initially there was opportunity for unskilled labourer but in modern days only skilled labours are provided jobs in urban area. There is a section of people who are landless and they don't get work throughout the year by the landowners. So they also settled in urban areas as homeless population.

There are people who are lazy in nature but clever to earn money by begging. Begging is a very primitive practice as it is very much supported by the different faiths in India.

Has the government tried to try or create decent shelters to help these people?


Government and NGOs have tried to resettle them through shelters and housing schemes. But the no. is so high and growing it is difficult for government to completely eradicate the problem particularly in rural areas . Only some inclusive policies and programs can solve this issues.

What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?

Homelessness is not only just a moral crisis it's a spiritual crisis too. It's not a problem that government can fix by itself, it requires all of us to come together and recognise that all human beings are our brothers and sisters.

In our limited conception of our home we make our boundaries limited to a sacret space. It should not be our obsession that I can be happy only when I have the perfect home, the perfect appartment, the perfect furniture, the perfect alter then we are missing the whole point the vedanta ask us to continually expand our boundaries. This idea of home verses not my home is little domicile, well my home is the town I live in or the city and it's also this state as opposed to other states and it's also our country as opposed to other countries without us is to continue expanding the boundaries we can say well the whole world let the whole world be our home. Then we see well we're not taking that good care of our home. Sometimes it seems like that we have just this one Earth as our home.

We crave it all up into parts of little pieces and say well this is my part and that is your part and you don't touch my part.

“None of us are home until all of us are home.”
— Project HOME

All the pictures were taken by me from one place on sabe a barat night in Kolkata.

Before I conclude I would request three other fellow Steemians to share their views on the topic.


Thank you for reading my post.



The government are trying their best to give shelter to these homeless people but the truth remains the migration from rural to urban area will continue to make it difficult to eradicate it properly, your article is nice 👍 steem on

Thank you for visiting my post and opinion.

Hello friend, it is a very delicate matter that these people are going through such an ugly situation. We have to help them so that they can do something with little or a lot. They were grateful. successes friend.🙏🏻☀️

Thank you for visiting my post.


Greeting my friend,

It's really bad to gear that many peoples, children and young are homeless in your country India as same in my country. Keep helping and supporting them. I wish you good luck for your post.


Thank you visiting my post and opiniuon.

Social abandonment is a reality and its consequence is the absence of the recognition that all human beings need to develop satisfactorily. The social recognition of all its members is the pillar of the growth of a community. Your publication is very explanatory and of very good quality, best regards and much success

Thank you for visiting my post and supportive comment.

 3 months ago 

Es una cruda realidad la que se vive en muchas partes del mundo.

Me gustó el lema: "Ninguno está en casa hasta que todos estemos en casa", sin embargo, debemos tener en cuenta que hay personas que prefieren la calle y mendigar, antes que trabajar y hacerse responsables por ellos mismos.

Mis mejores deseos para ti en este reto.

I agree with you.

 3 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Esta es una realidad muy dura y, lo más delicado es que, a medida de que avanza el tiempo se incrementa. He leído que en Medio Oriente esto se les ha complicado reducir debido a las constantes guerras que hay mientras que, en esta región occidental se debe a a inestabilidad económica.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you for additional information.

Hello, the Vedanta philosophy in your post promotes the idea of continuously expanding our boundaries rather than getting stuck in the concept of a perfect home. It challenges us to see the whole world as our home instead of dividing it into smaller parts. The quote "None of us are home until all of us are home" from Project HOME emphasizes the importance of unity and care for our shared Earth. I wish you success in this contest.

I'm glad to see your comment and good wishes.

thanks, my regards, success 🏆

Homelessness is a pressing issue in India, with 1.7 million people living without proper shelter. The root causes are complicating, including ostracization, lack of opportunities for unskilled laborers, and landlessness is what is causing all this problems. Is good that the government and NGOs have made provision to provide shelters, the scale of the problem requires a collective effort.

Thank you for visiting my post and supportive comment.

 3 months ago 
Hola amigo, es un gusto saludarte. Lamentablemente la problemática social de las personas sin hogar se expande por todo el mundo, es una pena que tu país tampoco escape de esta realidad.

Es triste a que hayan personas que se dediquen a mendigar para poder comer al menos una vez al día, pero lamentablemente también hay algunos individuos que realizan esto por pereza.

Organizar planes sociales que ayuden a superar esta problemática implica una gran cantidad de dinero lo que lo hace un poco más difícil. Fue un gusto leer tu publicación, éxitos en el desafío.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Thank you for visiting my post and good wishes.

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