
Felipe, Paolo and María, have been friends since the first semester at the university, studying law or law. They want to be lawyers and set up their own law firm, a firm that allows them to dedicate themselves to the representation of companies. The exams would start in about 3 or 4 weeks, so Paolo and María were a little relaxed, while Felipe studied daily, reviewing each of the law classes and telling them to study together. His friends didn't pay attention to him, they told him that when the time came they would study, but that it was time to have a good time and go to parties.


The following Monday, Professor Jorge Pérez, a teacher who was characterized by being unpredictable, at the beginning of class he did so by reviewing the topics that could be included in his exam. He asked questions to the group of more than 25 students and only Felipe answered the questions. He proposed a practical case with a lawsuit, the only student who did it impeccably was Felipe. Professor Jorge congratulated him and told him to leave the room, that they would see each other the following week, while he gave the others a document that everyone, upon seeing it, was amazed and frozen...

They looked so astonished as they stared at the document and professor Jorge. The document was actually a mock courtroom exercise case in which the students were to make presentations acting as real lawyers, witnesses, defendant and so on, this was to prepare them for any law cases they will meet in future. It's a real scenario for law students and they were so shocked that professor forge brought it out that day. Paola and Maria were startled as the characteristics of their professor played back in their minds, he is very unpredictable.


Felipe on the other hand was outside the classroom peeping and feeling happy because all his hardwork and restless nights started to pay off for him, little did he know that there was more in store for him. Professor forge called him back in standing in front of the students he said "Due to your hardwork and knowledge In this field I would love you to be the the leading attorney for the plaintiff's team for the case during the mock trial" Felipe's jaw dropped, the whole class looked in amazement, he accepted in a haste. Paola and Maria's team were very disturbed as they didn't even know how to start up, Felipe's team were very confident because of Felipe's presence as they studied hard for the course.


The day was finally here and the class room was arranged in such a way that it looked like a courtroom, Felipe and his team were so confident as they were smiling in the room while Maria and Paola's teams heart was pounding as they didn't even have a good study strategy. Professor forge was the judge for the case as he say before then listening to the plaintiff and defendant. Felipe's team did so good that the whole class clapped hands for them. After the trial was over professor forge gave the results and Felipe's team came out to be the winners, this paid them right for their hardwork and dedication towards studying while Paola and Maria's team were given a warning to seat up.

Felipe was given very good grades for that semester because of those performances and hardwork but Maria and Paola didn't have such grades, they were very determined to study along side with felipe at early moments.

Would love to invite my friends @joslud, @johnmitchel and @jasa107 to join

Cc, @fjjrg



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Muchas gracias por compartir sus contenidos originales y creativos en "X".

Con esto estamos apoyando la campaña de promoción de nuestra plataforma steemit en la red social de "X", buscando atraer muchos más usuarios que hagan vida y compartan sus contenidos en nuestra plataforma.

Le invitamos a que siga promocionado y a invitar a sus amigos a hacerlo.


 2 months ago 

Los que más estudian y se dedican tienden a destacarse sobre el resto, es el resultado de su gran trabajo.

Estoy seguro de que Paolo y María van a estudiar mucho más y tomarán en cuenta los consejos de su amigo Felipe.

Es muy importante estudiar para aprender, porque el aprendizaje hace al buen profesional.

Participante # 03


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