Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 / My Steemians Family

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago


Hi friends, how are you? I hope we are all always happy.

When I was opening the steemit page this afternoon, I got a mention from one of my good friends, brother @chopper46 and he invited me to participate in this contest, I am also very happy with his invitation which made me very excited to send my entry .

Brothers are a bond that I really need in everyday life, apart from brothers in the real world of course I also have brothers in the steemit world who I really care about, because thanks to them I was able to develop so far on this steemit platform.

There are some important points that I have to cover to qualify for me to enter this contest, and below are some of them.

  1. How long have you know each other and how did you interact?

  2. Have you ever met in person or are planning

  3. Apart from steemit, have you ever interacted via any other network, please let us know

  4. What made you bond with that user, what qualities did you highlight in that person

Below is my explanation for the people I have considered as my brothers in steemit.

Brother @khairil98

The first is Teungku @khairil98, he is the first person to introduce me to the steemit platform, he is my brother and senior at the hostel where we live, campus and also in steemit. I've known him for a long time in the hostel, we interact a lot in the hostel and he is also one of my role models on campus.

Daily communication is very good both in steemit and outside steemit, he is also the first person to teach me all the important rules that I should not violate in steemit such as plagiarism and so on, until now our relationship is still very good and we also very often chatted together in the Dormitory.

when I'm hanging out with @ismuhadiadi

The second one is @ismuhadiadi, he is my childhood friend and until now we are still good friends, not long after I got to know steemit I also invited him to join the steemit platform too. There is no need to ask about interactions, many people think we are both siblings, apart from frequently interacting through comments on steemit, we also always meet and always have coffee together.

Even though we live far apart now because I have to attend college and live in a dormitory, our interactions are never interrupted. We always update each other via whatsapp to keep our relationship going well.

Brother @chopper46

This third one is brother @chopper46, at first we got acquainted through steemit when we commented on each other's posts, almost every day there were his posts that I commented on and vice versa. But now our relationship is getting closer because I have also contacted him via whatsapp.

Brother @chopper46 is also the one who always supports me to continue to rise and work here. After chatting with each other via whatsapp, in this short time we are planning to meet and have coffee together.

my sister @sailawana

And the last one that I consider as a brother is Ms. @sailawana, so far we have never met and chatted at the table, but once we met face to face when we attended a meet up event between Indonesian steemian which was held at one of the coffee shops in Indonesia. Aceh.

But now we are very familiar through the interactions that we build through steemit, just like brother @chopper46, me and mom @sailawana very often comment on each other's posts on steemit. Even we also share about steemit via whatsapp. He is a senior figure that I really admire, many things make me admire him so much, including that I am so motivated when I see posts on his personal account homepage, he is so active in writing and tireless to always work.

Through this post, I also invite Ibu @sailawana, brother @ismuhadiadi and Teungku @khairil98 to participate in this contest.

Thank you for the steemian friends that I have mentioned above who have always supported me to continue to grow on this steemit platform.

This is my post for this contest, warm regards @ikwal.

 2 years ago 

@ikwal me alegra que tengas tan buenos amigos dentro y fuera de la plataforma, se nota el cariño, respeto y admiración que sientes por cada uno de ellos. Son personas con una gran calidad humana y que te han enseñado y ayudado a crecer en Steemit. Me alegra que puedas mantenerte en comunicación con cada uno de ellos y apoyar su contenido.

Club1001/1 punto
Steemexclusive1/1 punto
No plagio1/1 punto
No bots1/1 punto
Markdown1.5 /2 puntos
Contenido3/4 puntos
Total8.5/10 puntos
Fecha de Verificación13/10/2022

Te recomendamos interactuar con los demás usuarios que participan en este reto, visitando sus publicaciones y haciendo sus respectivos comentarios.


Banner ahumadaliliana29(3).gif

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas pemeriksaannya saudara 😊

 2 years ago 

Que bueno es contar con esas maravillosas personas, que te han servido de mucho en este mundo virtual como lo es steemit.

Ellos te han apoyado en gran manera y se convirtieron en tu gran familia steemians.

Espero continúen apoyado y permanezcan siempre unidos.

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih saudara saya snang mndengar komentar anda.

Masya Allah tabarakallah, suatu penghargaan buat ibu atas mention dan kata2 positif nya..sangat terus menebar inspirasi dan aktif terua menulos ya..
Kita semua steemian adalah keluarga
Semoga nanti kita bisa meet up lagi dan ngobrol banyak.

Sukses untuk komtesnya ya

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih buk 😊

Sama-sama 🤗😊

Una familia una bonita con gente buena que son usuarios muy comprometidos en la plataforma, que bueno que puedas conocer a algunos en persona .

Y deseo que muy pronto puedas conocer al resto de ellos para compartir experiencias más personales.


 2 years ago 

Terimakasih komentar positifnya saudara, saya sangat senang dengan tanggapan anda 😊

 2 years ago 

Iniciaste en Steemit por medio de una persona que nos comenta lo bueno que puede ser crear contenido en esta plataforma.

Desde ese momento esa persona se convierte en tu hermano Steemians, porque te toma de la mano y te guía en cada paso para que no tengas tropiezo.

Se podría decir que es tu hermano mayor, ese fue el papel que jugó contigo @kahiril98. Ahora seguro caminas solo por esta plataforma.

Así van llegando a nuestras vidas en Steemit nuevas amistades que poco a poco se ganan nuestro aprecio.

Me gustó el hecho de que en su ciudad hagan reuniones de Steemit, esto demuestra que ponen muy en alto está plataforma. Me parece excelente, allí tienen la oportunidad de conocer en persona a Steemians con más experiencia y aprender de ellos.

Es un ejemplo que podríamos seguir en mi país.


 2 years ago 

Benar sekali saudaraku, kami memang selalu bersama dan bersatu untuk mengembangkan platform ini, banyak hal baru yang selalu kami obrolkan bersama supaya kami selalu berkembang di platform steemit ini, banyak teman-teman steemian yang sudah saya anggap sebagai saudara saya karena mereka sudah memberikan hal yang luar biasa kepada saya terutama buat saudara @khairil98.😊

Kita semua bersaudara, saya sangat bersyukur dipertemukan dengan Steemian semuanya, kita bisa saling berbagi kisah dalam agenda apapun serta menggapai pencapaian secara bersama. Saling mendukung dan juga selalu bisa diajak kompromi dalam menumbuhkan platform hebat ini, kalian semua sangat hebat. Ini merupakan pembelajaran yang sangat berharga bagi saya pribadi.

Terimakasih saudara @rmm31, terimakasih atas pelajaran yang satu ini, ini sangat penting buat pribadi saya kedepannya, kerjasama dan saling berbagi adalah poin utama dalam berkomunitas, perlu kita rawat dengan baik secara bersama, saya sangat berharap saran dari teman-teman sekalian dalam bentuk apapun demi terciptanya kemajuan di masa mendatang.

Apresiasi yang sangat tinggi terhadap anda @ikwal, saudara telah membuktikan dengan sangat konsisten menjalani kehidupan di platform hebat ini. Doa terbaik untuk kita semua.

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas semuanya tgk 😊

Sama-sama Tgk 🙏

 2 years ago 

Estamos para aprender los unos de los otros, aquí en la comunidad Scouts y sus Amigos pueden compartir todo lo que deseen, he aprendido mucho sobre sus costumbres y lo más sabroso!! Sus recetas esas comidas!!

Que continúe la hermanada entre todos nosotros! Saludos y abrazos desde 🇻🇪

Ucapan salam juga kami haturkan dari tanah Aceh, Indonesia untuk mu dan untuk Steemian yang di sana.

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