SEC - S8W4: "It all ends with death?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago



Everyone who has a soul will surely taste death, that is the slogan embedded in my mind and heart that makes me not dare to live arrogantly in this world because in the end I will also die.

Do you believe in life after death?

Really believe in death and life after death, because in religion we are obliged to believe in life after death. This is an event that we cannot see with the naked eye and cannot even be proven by a single scientist when scientifically examined.

However, I still believe that there is an afterlife after we die.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Everyone who lives/has a soul will definitely taste death. This is something that is natural for us as creatures that have lives, but what we are worried about is that we never know when we will die.



As a human being we are obliged to protect our lives and avoid anything related to death, as well as me who always avoid doing dangerous things that can cause death, but I still believe that death will come to me someday .

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

This just happened to me, a few weeks ago my friends and I went to a nature tour. The tourist spot is the Bebetauan River which has a very fast water flow.



At that time I swam in the river with my friends, but when I wanted to return to land I felt a headache that made me almost drift away with the current, luckily my friends helped pull me ashore.

Through this post I want to thank them my good friends.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

This is the most precious charter we can receive after we die, when I die later I want the people around me, my wife and children to remember me with the precious things that I left them.

That inheritance is religious knowledge that is beneficial for his future life, the successful business that I have started and the wealth that I will give to my beloved children, for my beloved wife I want to give extraordinary affection and abundant wealth so that he can remember me after I die.

Even though some people say that wealth is not everything, I don't want to see my children and wife live in poverty after I die, I want to give everything to them so they can continue to live happily and can remember me until I die.

For the people around me want them to remember me after I die because of the kindness I gave them, I want to live a good life so that my death can be well remembered.

This is my entry for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @ismuhadiadi, @chopper46, @abialfatih, @waterjoe, @f2i5, @sailawana, @fadlymatch and also buk @dederanggayoni to participate together in this contest.

 2 years ago 

Believing is good even if we cannot see it with our eyes. We can only see it if we die and believing should be the first thing we should think off. You have Discussed well. I wish you best of luck.

 2 years ago 

thank you brother, I hope we continue to be successful

Kontes yang menarik, terimakasih telah mengundang saya

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih sudah mampir Abi.

Postingan yang bagus tentang semuanya berakhir dengan kematian, benar sekali setiap yang hidup pasti mengalami kematian maka dari itu kita harus mempersiapkan nya. Dunia cuma panggung sandiwara kehidupan yang sebenarnya adalah akherat yang abadi.

Terima kasih atas undangannya dan semoga sukses dikontesnya.

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali buk, semoga kita semua meninggal dalam keadaan husnul khatimah. AMIN

Tiada yang abadi di dunia ini ya bang....sukses terus bang

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali bg, terimakasih.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

El morir es algo natural de la vida, y aunque muchas veces nos preocupa, nunca sabemos el día exacto en que Dios nos llamara para que estenos a su lado.

Es lamentable el momento de peligro que nos comentas, muy cerca de la muerte sin duda si tus amigos no te ayudan no estuvieras en este momento contando la historia.

Éxitos en el concurso!

No plagio✔️1/1
No bots✔️1/1

banner lirvic.gif

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas verifikasi nya saudari.

Me alegra saludarte.

La muerte es algo natural forma parte de nuestra vida, y es lo mas seguro que podemos tener algun dia nos llegara, y si queremos ser recordados con buenas obras ahora en vida es que tenemos la oportunidad de crear esa manera de cómo queremos ser recordados

Te deseo éxitos en el concurso

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih telah memberikan komentar yang baik saudari.

Semoga sukses untuk kontes nya om @ikwal
Terima kasih telah mengundang saya

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih pak 😊

Ulasan dan pendapat yang benar dan menarik. Saya akan mencoba untuk bergabung dengan anda berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini,,
Hambo ju @ikwal 💪😁😁

 2 years ago 

Hahaha, yang penteng be semangat sabe bang😊💪💪

Jangan lupa singgah 🙏😂
Semangat terus pantang mundur 💪

Saludos amigo.

Que bueno que tuviste la oportunidad que tus amigos lograron salvarte de ser dominado por la fuerte corriente. Dios bendiga a tus buenos amigos.

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih saudari

Cuando creemos, no necesitamos de comprobación científica La Fe lo es todo. Tendremos vida eterna porque es una promesa.

Que bueno que puedas agradecer públicamente a tus amigos por haberte ayudado en esa terrible situación.

Solo debemos ser buenas personas, porque nos recordarán por lo que fuimos y dimos en esta vida.

Buena suerte con tu participación

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih saudari😊

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