45th STORY WRITING CONTEST. / The Woman of the Forest!steemCreated with Sketch.

Greetings everyone;
Here is @fonjougiresse from Cameroon and I am to take part in this Juicy contest.

It was one calm day when a young lady was pregnant and about to give birth to a beautiful and handsome baby boy. But she was in a mysterious village where mysteries and supernatural powers existed.

One morning, she decided to go on the stream and fetch water for her laundry. When she arrived in the stream, she had the sensation that people were observing her from afar, and indeed, that was the case.

Pixabay Cascade river where she fetched water in the forest
Since she was fearful, she carried only a small quantity and left. When she was in the house, she informed her mother about the sensation she had, but her mother did not take it seriously.

Things went on till the following two weeks, where she still had the same impression that someone was observing her while she was in their house, was afraid, and ran in the house till her mother came back from the market. She informed her mother again, but the latter did not still believe her.

One morning, the young lady was missing, and all the village started searching for her up until a month later without any positive result. Her mother lost hope and started believing that she was dead.

In the meantime, while people were searching for the young lady, she was in a dark, deep forest, where she saw people dancing, singing, and performing rituals near her. With all the courage she could muster at that particular instant, she asked one of them. Why are you people doing this to me? They answered that your child’s birth is going to exterminate our population by unlocking your powers.

From the creation of the village, the gods created a powerful tribe with infinite powers, but one side decided to use the power to destroy other people and villages. The good side was nearly annihilated, and so the survivors ran away and established themselves in the nearby village.

Pixabay god's illustration of the village
But knowing the cruelty of the dark side of the tribe, they decided to transfer all their powers to the most noble and pure family among them. The power was to fight the dark side on the appropriate day. Until the lady in the forest inherited all of it because it was transmitted from generation to generation.

Without knowing how she did it, she unleashed a pure and tremendous power that immediately eradicated the people trying to kill her baby and her. In that event, she could return to her mother and explain the situation to her. Her father was a descendent of the tribe but passed away before explaining the situation to his wife and the young girl. Knowing her background, she was prepared to face her destiny with her son that she gave birth to.

The end

I will like to invite @pea07, @ruthjoe, and @patjewell to create an amazing story with us


 last year 

Oh wow! What a deep but meaningful story!
Well done!

Your post has been supported with a 50% upvote by @ashkhan from TEAM 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: March 23, 2023


 last year 

Amigo @fonjougiresse.

Su historia relata un poder heredado que fue ocultado a sus poseedores, tal vez para no corromperlos, pero al final fue descubierto y ahora expresado. La joven defendería a su hijo, heredero de dicho poder para poder enfrentar el lado de la oscuridad y proveerle de libertad a los pueblos sometidos por la maldad
Interesante relato, con un toque de misticismo y de magia.
Participante # 16

El enfoque de esta dinámica es usar los dos primeros párrafos de la historia y a partir de ahí continuar la historia. Estoy seguro de que contaremos con excelentes historias de su parte en las actividades venideras.
Saludos. SLPS

FJJRG Saludos.png

Ohh I did not use the firs two paragraphs well I will do better next time.

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