Steemit Engagement Challenge - S8W4 ||"It all ends with death?"

Hello steemit friends wherever you are, how are you all? This time I'm back to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - S8W4 contest with the theme It all ends with death? on the Scouts y sus Amigos community.


Do you believe in life after death?

As a person there is no doubt for me to always believe that after death there will be another life lived by humans. But I believe that there may be some people who say that there is no life after they die, it is their belief that I must respect. For creatures that live in the world, one day they will definitely experience something called death. Although death itself for us is a secret that is only known by Allah SWT as the creator of all creatures. After a person experiences death, one will definitely experience an afterlife, but that life is very different from the life at this moment.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death becomes a common thing that happens to every creature that experiences a life. Everyone will experience a process towards death in various ways. We cannot plan when, where and how death will occur. All of this is a secret for living beings, because it can happen at any time. As humans, we definitely want the process of death to be in good condition according to the deeds in the world.


But all of that requires preparation by doing good deeds as provision. Sometimes death that comes can occur suddenly without a human being expecting it. This often makes people around as if they do not believe it. As Muslims who firmly believe and believe that there will be life after death, it is obligatory to prepare everything during life.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Several years ago I had an actual incident that made me almost die. I was involved in an accident which left my right leg broken and bruised in several places. It was in 2008, after the dawn prayer, I left early in the morning to carry out my duties. However, an accident occurred in the middle of the trip because the motorbike I was riding had a collision which caused me to bounce and break my leg. Shortly after that incident I passed out and did not remember what happened until an hour later I was in the hospital. I felt at that moment as if I was about to die, but God still loves me so that I am healthy again to this day.


How do you want to be remembered after death?

Everyone certainly wants to be remembered after death for the good things they have done and benefited others during their lifetime. Personally, I also want to be remembered for having done something useful for society. So of course I want to be remembered as a good person among my relatives and the community I left behind. After death I want to leave a trail of knowledge and spread goodness that benefits others.

I also invite friends @graceleon, @pelon53, @msharif, @lavanyalakshman, @patjewell, @irawandedy, @ripon0630, @suboohi, @reinamia, and others to participate in this contest.


 last year 

Saludos @fadlymatch.

El tema de la vida después de la muerte causa mucha confusion y es que muchos esperan que una persona logre resucitar y continuar viviendo en el mismo cuerpo y no se trata de eso, mas bien, la muerte es el desprendimiento del cuerpo y la transición a una nueva forma de vida, mas espiritual.

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Si amigo de que si hay vida después de la muerte queda a criterio de la religión de cada quien ,pero igual que usted también yo pienso que la la muerte no es el final del camino,hay algo más allá pero no la sabemos,solo los que mueren lo sabrán y que bonito que lo recuerden por sus buenas obras en la tierra, saludos que Dios lo tiene para algo bueno aquí en la tierra,Dios lo bendiga

 last year 

La vida después de la muerte nos espera y debemos prepararnos para ella durante nuestro tránsito aquí en la tierra. Por supuesto, que ya no será igual porque nos iremos a otro plano, pero debemos confiar en que todo será mejor, siempre y cuando nos hayamos dedicado a las buenas obras.
Lamento lo de su accidente y las vicisitudes que lo llevaron muy cerca de la muerte, sin embargo, pudo superarlo y eso es lo importante... Éxitos, amigo. Saludos.

 last year 

Death! The one thing we cannot miss!
To ponder over it is not going to help us. We shoud rather accept and embrace it.
I’m sure you will be remembered by plenty.
Good luck with the contest and thanks for the invite.

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