
Generosity is the act of giving anything to someone in need of that thing without expecting a reward. It is a very rare value in today's world as everyone is into give and take rule.

Generosity is an inherent value but can still be inculcated into young minds by being an examplary.

Personally I have benefitted from so many generous people. Infact maybe it's because of their generosity that makes me who and where I am today.

The effect of those generous act in my life has made me see the need to be generous too. So for me its easy to give out considering that am a product of giving out.

I am a teacher by profession, apart from the fact that I am being paid to do the job, I sacrifice a lot more than what is needed to meet my learners need. For example in my class, the learners there are supposed to know how to write atleast but there was this boy, he couldn't write and was very reserved. On a normal I would have seen it as that's not my business, he should have learnt how to write before reaching this class and besides am not the only teacher handling him but I saw it that if I don't help him there might be no one to help him considering his background and he was putting in real effort to write.
One day I called him out gave him a sit and table, made him very comfortable and started my work. At the end of the class, he came to my table and said "thank you teacher for today". I was shocked, for a boy that finds it very difficult to open mouth in class. But I was really happy I could help him.
Today he is no more in my class but he writes excellently well and he feels free to tell me anything.

Giving out could be anything- money, time, giving a listening hear etc just anything.


One might say why do I need to give out when I won't get those things am giving out again.
But the good truth about being generous is that somehow those things you give out finds it way back to you. It might not be from who you gave them to and it might take years but they will definitely come. You might not be alive to receive them when they come but your children will receive them as a reward from your act of kindness without Knowing.

I had a very generous father, he was known anywhere he went to because of this great value.
He is no more today but where we live, we still receive praises and rewards for my father's generosity. For example we don't have water in my compound but one of our neighbors gives us water for free as a way of showing gratitude to my father's deed.

Above all generous people are happy true to the Bible which says there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
When I give out I feel this inner joy and satisfaction that I have been able to help or make a soul happy.
The joy of giving to who is in need is just something undescribable.

Parents, guidance and older ones need to help young ones see the need to be generous by showing them by examples how to be generous, telling them stories of how generosity can help them and those in need, guiding them to do some generous act


I think this great value if practice by 40% of humans will make our world more than a better place to stay for everyone

Hola que hermosa manera de retribuir los favores recibidos es excelente filosofía de vida , dar sin esperar nada a cambio si hubiese un 80% De seres humanos que practicarán la Generosidad el Mundo fuese diferente no habría tanta hambre en muchos pueblos , gracias por compartir tu contenido con nosotros te invito a qué realizes tu Verificación para contarte dentro de nuestros miembros .👍

Thanks @aleravago for the encouragement and the invitation

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga @esthy05jah. Muy conmovido por su historia de cómo ayudó a un joven a superar una adeversidad, la cual seguro que sigue generando frutos.

En mi caso particular, yo soy dirigente scout y no percibimos retribución monetaria por ello, sin mebargo, las amistades, las experiencias que vivimos con cada joven que le enseñamos admirar y cuidar de la naturaleza y los animales, a amar las aventuras y excursiones, el aire libre, a compartir y hacerse hermano de miles de personas que comparten nuestra mism a aficción, no tiene precio.

Participante # 11

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