SEC-S10W5 | Patience.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)



Good evening steemians

I'm so delighted to write here in this community. This is an amazing topic. Patience is a great virtue everyone needs to cultivate. A life without this virtue can lead one into serious problems. As it's rightly said, a patient dog eats the fattest bone.

Do you tend to lose your patience easily or do you control yourself all the time?

Many times, many things could make me lose my patients. I have been there many times and I reacted to my emotions. I lost my patience and it cost me a lot.

This taught me a lot of lessons and I learned from it. I try as much as possible to exercise patience in all I do. I have learned overtimes that patience is a good virtue. It is always attached to great rewards.

There is a saying that; A patient dog eats the fattest bone. That is real and I will rather be patient to enjoy the great reward than be too fast to reap what is not worth it.

What is it that makes you most desperate or stressful?

I could remember a day I tried to check my WAEC result. I have contacted my classmates who told me they failed a subject. I felt so sad and needed to check mine. I told my sister who is an ICT operator to check it for me in her place of work and send a message to me to know the result. I told her to send the message to me if I passed but if I fail, she shouldn't send it.

We reached a consensus on it and she left for work. I waited all day to receive a call or message from her but it wouldn't come. I felt so bad. I almost fainted. I once thought of going to her place of work to know what was happening. I was already working and can't leave mine to go to her place of work. I was disturbed.

I later consoled myself that whatsoever it is, she will come back and let me know. I was praying for the evening to come so she could come back. I focused on my work and I decided to help my mind.

I just told myself that I passed so I can be able to focus.

After the day's work, I left and in the evening she was back. She released the great news that I cleared all my papers. I asked her why she couldn't call not text me as promised and she told me she was busy and could not even take my calls.

I was happy that I didn't leave my work to go to her place of work but was able to console myself, do my work, and wait for her return.


Another thing that got me desperate was the day I bought a new phone. I gave someone money to buy it for me.

The person went and bought it in the morning hours. I waited for him to get my phone down to me but he was not coming.

I waited till around 7 pm. I called and called and he told me he was coming. I felt sad. I was wondering if something has happened to him and the phone and he did not want to tell me over the phone.

After several calls, he told me where he was at the moment and told me he will get to me soon. I was so scared. The place he was at that time of the night was not safe at all. It's a place where they collect people's money, phones and laptop every time.

Many things were running through my mind. I had to start praying that God protects him and my phone. I was even scared because it was night and he may find it difficult to come again. I just want to set my eyes on my new phone.

I just to told him to make sure he comes because I can't wait to see my new phone. He promised me will still come and I relaxed my mind.

Later that night, he brought my phone for me and told me he was printing some documents for people and that was why he couldn't come since morning.

I thanked him for bringing my phone and he left.

How do you avoid losing your patience?
When you lose patience, how do you act?

One of the things to do in other to avoid losing one's patience is just to set your mindset. It's a matter of the mind.

Many things might come to make you impatient, just have hope that your patience will pay.

I have not seen anyone who patiently wait for the right thing and did not get the right result.

Patience pays and such a mindset will help me not to run out of patience.


What advice can you give us regarding patience?

The matter of being patient is not a little matter. It's not something that can happen every day. It's built over time. I advise that each person amongst all virtues seek patience. It pays. Many things might come to make you impatient, an understanding of this will help you thrive in such periods. Just know that it's worth being patient.

I invite @newtonb @edidiongeffiong and @okere-blessing to this contest


I'm very happy you embraced steemit see how you are showcasing your writing skills. Patience is a good virtue but what can we do when we are been pushed to the extreme where we can no longer exercise the patience.

 last year 

Saludos @estem.

A veces es necesario pasar por situaciones en las que perdemos la paciencia para lograr entender la importancia de conocer nuestros limites y saber controlar nuestras emociones, ya que si no lo hacemos corremos el riesgo de equivocarnos y actuar de forma equivocada.

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 last year 

Saludos amigo es que ciertamente son las lecciones de la vida las que nos enseñan a desarrollar la paciencia, a ser pacientes y con ello alcanzar el éxito en diversos ámbitos de nuestras vidas. Ese dicho que expresa que el perro paciente es el que se come el hueso más gordo es muy parecido aquello que dice que el mundo es de los inteligentes que se mantienen serenos y cuando se refieren a los serenos se hace alusión a la paciencia, es que realmente la paciencia en la vida es una gran conducente al éxito Saludos cordiales y éxito en su entrada.

I lost my patience and it cost me a lot.This taught me a lot of lessons and I learned from it.

True, impatient causes many bad decisions and many losses in our life

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