Participation: My daily planning




Hello great steemians

I'm so glad to take part in this context organized by @yolvijrm.

One of the things that will determine how successful a day will be is how well it's been planned.

Planning has to do with setting out actions one tends to undertake and listing out possible methods to undertake it over a period of time.

Most a times, you will see people waking up with so many things in mind and at the end of the day, they will notice that they could not achieve anything. This is simply because they had a lot of things in their mind but they never planned how to work it out in that day

Do you plan your activities? How often (weekly, daily or monthly?
I always plan my activities and I'm always strict to its adherence.

I plan my activities weekly and i revisit them daily. Sometimes, i make amendments when i revisit them on daily basis.

What tools do you use to plan your activities?
Most a times, i use my jotter and pen while other times, i use my phone notebook. I always make use of what is available at the time of planning.

When my jotter and pen seems unavailable, my phone notebook becomes the next option.

Few times, i store it in my mind till i execute it.


Does panning activities each day have any advantages? What is it?

Yes, daily planning has lots of benefits.

Planning gives me clear focus on things to do
Planning gives me clear focus the things i have to do on a day and it helps me pay more attention to following it strictly. I can't just wake up and start thinking of what to do, i quickly look into my plans for such day and start running with it.

It helps in time management
It also help me to manage my time effectively. Having this mindset that each time wasted affects one of my plans, i strive hard to ensure that i make judicious use of each time i have.

Planning helps me to be more committed
Setting out my plans helps me to be more committed. I always want to end each day fulfilling my set out goals and this makes me to be more committed in anything am doing.

It helps cut down unnecessary activities
Planning helps me cut down unnecessary activities. Most a times, when it seems I'm drifting from the original plan, maybe, doing things that are not even necessary, i quickly check my plans and it helps put me back on track

It yields better and greater results
Planners are achievers. Planning yields great results. In planning, you don't just set out things to achieve, you also set out best methods to achieving it and when such methods are followed, it yields better and greater results.

When one works according the daily plans, it leaves one with sense of fulfillment
When one achieve the desired results, it leaves one with sense of fulfillment. One of the things that makes me strive hard daily to achieve my set out goals is the sense of fulfillment i get at the end of the day. It makes me happy and fulfilled.


How do you deal with unforseen events without affecting the planning?

Each time i set out my plans, i always create room for the unforseen. If something comes up and i couldn't achieve this in a day, i create a space in another day when i will do it without it affecting my whole plans.

One thing with planning is that there must be unforseen events, including them in the course of planning helps overcome them without affecting the original plan.

What task do you give the most importance to in your daily planning?

My work. I rank it above others. It is from there that. I take care of my self and even feed. I treat it importantly.

After setting out my work hours, i now go ahead to share the remaining house to other important things i need to achieve in a day.


Planning is very important daily. It gives one sense of understanding of what action to take on a daily basis. It cut wastage of time and yield great results.

Planning is one activity that anyone who wants to get things right must engage in to ensure great daily output.


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Steem For Ladies

Manually curated by patjewell for Steem For Ladies

 last year 

En la actualidad los teléfonos son de mucha utilidad en la planificación de actividades, cuando no disponemos al momento de papel y lápiz, recurrimos a estos equipos tecnológicos para planificar.

Son muchos los beneficios que nos genera la planificación entre ellos un mejor manejo del tiempo.

Gracias por unirse a esta actividad.

Participante #5.

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