SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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This is Shaikh Enamul Islam.
From #Bangladesh.

Hello, my dear, sweet steemain friends. How are you all, my friends, and how is your day going? Hope by the mercy of Allah Ta'ala everything is physically and mentally healthy and perfect. Alhamdulillah, I am well my friends. Friends, today I came here to take part in the new week engagement challenge and this 4th week I am participating in the Scouts y sus Amigos communities contest. Their theme is really enchanting so I am very excited to share my opinion to you all about the theme the gave. Hopefully you'll all be with me so let's get started.

mine.PNGDo you believe in life after death?mine.PNG

Of course as a Muslim I believe in birth and death and the afterlife. Almighty Allah has said that whoever has life will taste death and the life after death will be eternal which has a beginning but no end. So there is no doubt that there is life after death. After the death of the Muslims, they are bathed in a beautiful way and the dead body is sanctified and a piece of white cloth is spread over its body. Then there is funeral with neighbors and relatives through which we all realize that we have to face death one day. And then he was buried in the ground and thus his last rites were completed. After this begins his next life which is eternal and in Islam there are several stages after the death of a person which are the grave, Qiamat, Hasr, Mizan, Jannah and Hell.


mine.PNGDo you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?mine.PNG

Allah Ta'ala has ordained three things for man and they are birth, death and marriage. No one but Allah knows when these three events will happen, and therefore no matter how much we run away from death, it is fixed at a certain time. Allah Ta'ala has mentioned many things in our Holy Qur'an about death. There Allah says"Surely the time of death is fixed. No one can die without His permission. If someone works for worldly reward, I will give him his reward in this life. And those who works for the hereafter, he will get his reward in the hereafter. I will certainly give the result of the deeds of the grateful servants.' (Surah Ale Imran, verse 145)". Besides, he has said many other verses about death, so death is certain and we have no power to change it.


mine.PNGHave you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?mine.PNG

Two events in my life shook my soul and resulted in my feeling at the time that my death was near. A million thanks to Almighty Allah that He still keeps me healthy. I had a fatal accident when I was young and thought I might not survive. The incident happened in my childhood one day I went to the field to play football with my elder brothers and on the way the elder brothers were practicing football on the road and it was raining. At that time a van was coming towards us and one of them gave a kick and it went under the wheel of the van and the van came and fell on my chest and my whole chest immediately turned red with blood and I was immediately taken to the doctor. However, by the grace of Allah, I was saved from death that day.


And a recent incident happened to me which scared me a lot. I was digging the soil around noon in the land behind our house. After working for a long time it was very difficult and after digging in the ground all of a sudden when I stood up straight my head started spinning and my eyes started to see blurry and I couldn't speak and it was getting dark all around. My brother was standing by but I didn't have the strength to tell him and I tried to keep myself calm then and by the grace of Allah I slowly recovered after some time. It may be due to the excess sun on the head and constant manual labor, but I found it a scared moment of my life.

mine.PNGHow do you want to be remembered after death?mine.PNG

We must face death and the last Prophet sent by Allah Ta'ala said something about death. He said the wisest among you is the one who remembers death more and is busy preparing for the afterlife. Besides, he also said that when a servant remembers death in a critical moment, then this remembrance of him removes the crisis and when he remembers death in a happy time, this remembrance pushes away his happiness and comfort. That is, if we forget death, we will indulge in bad deeds, do injustice and oppression to one another, so he said this. And so we should always remember death so that we refrain from evil thereby saving us in this life and the hereafter.



Finally, I would like to say one thing that nothing in this universe can move without God's command and his death will happen where he has fixed his death and it will not take even a second. So we should always be prepared for death wherever we are. Allah is One and Non-dual and He is the Creator and Destroyer of everything. All praise is due to Allah Ta'ala.

Dear friends, above I share my opinion about life and death. Hope everyone reading my today’s article patiently. Before finishing my article I invite @goodybest, @solaymann, @m-fdo, @lavanyalakshman @suboohi and @jyoti-thelight to participate in this nice challenge.

Best Regards





Thank you so much for sharing a good post with us. Congratulations for the win

 last year 

Saludos @enamul17.

La muerte es algo imposible de evitar, todo en algún momento tendremos que enfrentar este momento, sin embargo no significa que sea el fin de nuestra existencia, ya que somos mas que un cuerpo físico, también tenemos un alma que puede trascender y de esta forma experimentar una nueva forma de vida, esta es una creencia que nos hace ver vida mas allá de la muerte.

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Thank you so much for verifying my entry. 🙂

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