The world's best invention

in Scouts y sus Amigos9 months ago


The best invention in the world is undoubtedly music. Music can also be considered an invention. But when it comes to some mechanical things, machines, and the like, it's probably the Internet.

It must be admitted that the internet has revolutionized the whole world and without it, everything we have now would not look the same. Even Steemit, it all takes place on the internet. I can't imagine my life without the internet. It's as if our lives were going through a different phase, you could even say that it would go back a stage.

This invention brought a lot of positives to people. Many people can find a job online and there is always something for everyone. It is enough to search well and without a doubt, everyone will find something for themselves. The biggest advantage of the internet is knowledge. Once Upon a time, you had to go to a nearby library and hope that you would find a book on a given topic. Now we have everything at hand, we have knowledge at hand. Literally. These days, it's rare to meet someone who hasn't heard of the internet.


We can also learn a lot from the internet. I know a lot of people who have started working as a computer programmer or computer graphic designer thanks to learning via the Internet. We can also study without leaving home, which is also a great option for introverts, for example.

Unfortunately, the internet also has a lot of disadvantages, you can buy illegal things here, in general, there are a lot of illegal things. There are also websites that should not be accessed. Of course, people create these sites for other people, so everyone has their own choice. I, for example, have a small child and am afraid that when she grows up she will go to sites that she should not and spoil her psyche. I'll have to teach her life well.


The Internet will undoubtedly play a very important role in our lives in the future. I think it already plays a very important role. It will evolve every day. Without a doubt, the next evolution of the internet is Chat GPT. Humanity has not yet invented everything. In the world you can do literally anything, so we still have a lot, but it's a lot of new inventions and things.

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 9 months ago 

Saludos @emsonic.

Creo que la gran mayoria de las personas podemos coincidier en que el Internet ha sido uno de los inventos mas importantes por las múltiples utilidades que se le han dado a medida que ha pasado el tiempo, es casi imposible imaginar como seria nuestra vida y el desarrollo de la humanidad sin este increíble invento.

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 9 months ago 

Al igual que usted, pienso que la música es uno de los más sublimes inventos del hombre... Ahora bien, el internet ha sido una herramienta increíble para la vida de todos. Con esta red todo se hizo más fácil, cualquier cosa que busquemos por allí la encontraremos. Y eso es parte de lo negativo, que "cualquier cosa" existe allí, hasta lo peor del ser humano. Por ello debemos estar muy atentos con los niños. Gracias por acudir a este concurso, amigo. Saludos.

The invention of the internet has been a before and after for human beings in our history. I believe that we are living in the era of a new revolution: the digital one. And despite having made a lot of progress, we are just getting started and Artificial Intelligence is proof of this. Success for you.

The invention of the internet has been a major relief to mankind. I will say it is one of the most biggest invention in history. The way it harmonizes mankind is superb.

Best of luck to you.

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