RE: SEC S17-W6 | Saving humanity
You have written a very insightful content and I enjoyed reading every stanza of your blog post. Here is my reflection on various points that you mentioned.
Intinya kalau memang suatu ketika saya diberikan kekuatan untuk memberantas salah satunya saya lebih memilih memberantas penyakit hati (rohani) atau penyakit yang timbul dari dalam diri manusia, seperti sirik, iri, dengki, takabbur, hasad, hasud, dendam dan sebagainya.
Oh yeah! That's what we call thinking out of the box. It means you want to get rid of diseases of the heart or soul, like envy, jealousy, arrogance, malice, grudges, and so on. Basically, you're talking about getting rid of negative feelings that come from inside people. Is it so?
Pada bahagian akhir dari topik kali ini, saya berkesimpulan bahwa, kesehatan adalah mustika paling berharga bagi manusia.
So you concluded that health is the most precious treasure for humans. You mean to say that being healthy is really important for everyon and that's correct.
Oleh sebab itu ingat sehat sebelum sakitmu.
That's a wise saying . It is like saying it's better to prevent illness than to try to cure it later. It is said that prevention is better than cure .