SEC-S17W6 "Saving humanity"
Hello friend and family how are you doing I am doing good, today I am going to participate in another challenge that is really different and outstanding to discuss SEC-S17W6 "Saving humanity".
If we had the power to eradicate any of these diseases (just one), which one would you prefer to disappear? Describe your opinion.
Well my friend health is a greatest blessing of Allah almighty and we enjoy it a lot but the disease is also part of life and few are really unavoidable and some are due to mistakes.
But still these are painful and we wanted to get rid from it and always wanted to have as safe healthy life for our family and also for Nation because diseases is itself is kind of burden on society.
If I have chance to disappear one disease from the World it would be Diabetes mellitus because it's frequency is increasing with every passing day and people are getting suffering from it.
It had genetic history too but due to environmental conditions and also due to anxiety and stress which is part of most of the people nowadays due to present economic condition.
My father was the patient of diabetic and and passed from it so I wish if I can educate the people about this disease and we gave no single diabetes patients a little awareness is needed so far.
Have you known people who have suffered from this disease?
Yeah I have come to know many number of peoples which are suffering from this diseases as i mentioned abovd my father was patient of diabetic, and in daily life we have come to know many people some are our friends and friends family friends.
Many teachers and their parents which are suffering from diabetes to siliti sometime it's out of control and they are shifted to insulin.
The present sdentry lifestyle and eating habits and most of them didn't know what to eat and a lot of number of people didn't do regular check up.
Do you think the world would be much better if this disease did not exist?
Of course how beautiful and happy would be the world much prosper too if its disease free. Because in old we have seen many people are suffering from different diseases.
A portion of income and budget is required to overcome these diseases if World would be free from it, the income may be utilized for some better work.
Its all about my today's post.
I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @m-fdo and @uzma4882 to take part in the challenge.
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The choice to prioritize diabetes mellitus for eradication is significant, considering its rising prevalence and the impact it has on individuals and society. Although it is not a fatal disease but it causes comorbidity .
The vision of a disease-free world paints a picture of enhanced well-being and prosperity, highlighting the importance of addressing health challenges for a better future.
Good luck
Thank you so much my dear friend your valuable comment is highly appreciated, thank you for your time which you spent to read my post and then leave such as beautiful comment thank you once again.
This is a great post by you, if what we want could just happen by the snap of a finger, there are a lot of sicknesses we woulf love to disappear entirely from humans. You have highlighted Diabetes and for real i have seen people suffer due to this sickness daily. I pray there's a standard cure to it, becauee it is occuring rapidly. Wonderful write up from you @drhira.
Thank you so much my dear friend for reading my post and such a valuable comment and I am very thankful for your best wishes and pray for me and my family thank you stay blessed
Saludos @drhira.
Es cierto que por diferentes factores, la cifra de pacientes diagnosticados con diabetes y es que esta enfermedad se desarrolla debido a los genes o por incurrir en algunos excesos en el estilo de vida, pero lo cierto es que en la actualidad es una de las enfermedades que causa un gran porcentaje de muertes a nivel mundial, así que seria muy bueno poder erradicarla y acabar con el sufrimiento de millones de personas.
La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.
Thank you for verfication and valuable comment.
You're very right my brother, everyone deserves to be happy and live a better and secure life of no diseases, no tears or depression. Diabetes is really a trending disease that almost every people would love to eradicate in this world because of it's. I feel so sorry knowing that your father is a diabetic patient and I believe he is doing well to receive some medical prescription. I wish we could eliminate diabetes full in this life, I surely know that the world will be much better than our current world..stay safe
Yes my friend World would be really much amazing if there is no disease. Thank you for valuable feedback
Diabetes kills people
I came to know that your father was suffering from diabetes. Alhamdulillah brother feels good now he is healthy. In fact, the immune system should be in our human body, so we have to eat good food, we have to maintain green vegetables food.
Especially those who are suffering from diabetes can not eat any kind of sweet food. Also, you have to pay more attention in terms of food, it can be seen that if you don't know what food to eat, diabetes increases, so you have to be very careful about food.
My own uncle is suffering from this disease but Alhamdulillah is now fairly healthy. Food is very important to maintain. But now he does not take medicine anymore but he always eats black cumin honey and also different kinds of food which he eats regularly. There are some foods mentioned in the Quran and Hadith that if consumed can not attack any disease except death, one of them is black cumin.
Many prayers for your father and may Allah keep us all healthy. Because health is one of the blessings given by Allah Ta'ala
Thank you for valuable time to leave comment and also for prayers
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Saludos estimada @drhira
Coincido con lo que dices acerca que las enfermedades forman de la realidad de la vida, porque son inevitables y que por estimulados por factores controlables y otros incontrolables causan daños a la salud como enfermedad.
Representan desequilibrios en la familia en todos los aspectos, pero sobre todo en la parte emocional, al contemplar cómo va mermando la salud de nuestros seres queridos.
Es inevitable que más casos aparezcan se sumen más personas con este padecimiento tanto por los antecedentes genéticos, como así lo mencionas, especialmente debido a causas externas condicionantes.
En mi país existen grupos de personas que forman asociaciones, de ayuda y sin fines de lucro para orientar y educar tanto a las personas enfermas como a sus familiares sobre este tipo de enfermedad.
Sería importante que este padecimiento fuera erradicado para conservar a nuestros seres queridos aún con vida y contar con su presencia, en este mundo.
Bendiciones y espero tengas muchos éxitos