SEC-S10W5 | The Patience .

Hi wonderful people of Scouts and their friends hope you are doing great I am also good. Today I am going to participate another exciting contest organised by the beautiful community and the topic is really mind blowing and part of daily life that is The patience.

Do you tend to lose your temper easily or do you control yourself all the time?

Well!!!!!! And I'm very short tempered person and got angry very easily and sometimes my anger is out of control and you can say that I couldn't control it at all when I am in anger my family new very well they didn't spoke before me because they know I will be more hyper.

If the situation came where I am angry and of course as my nature I couldn't control it. Moreover if the incidence occured before the person which is not from my family and I couldn't answer him or defend myself i simply start weeping although this is weakness of my character but really I'm helpless before it because I totally failed when I am in anger.

So, the control level is almost zero and interstingly i hyper on the things which are totally wrong and there is matter of lie which oi can not bear at all although i wish i become a cool person and lived like normal people which didn't bothet about the anger in their lives.

What despairs or stresses you the most?

When things are going wrong and there is lies in the matter it made me stressful. I always fair in every matter and couldn't deceive anyone by telling lies and hiding matter but i guess people liked to hyper others and making them stressful.

It made me despair in life most of the time. Like i assigned the work to my colleagues and asked them to do it on due time they will promised me it would be done but when the time came theu didn't respond well, so this thing made me really stressful.

How do you avoid losing patience?

Well!!!! Now the life is changed after marriage because i am trying my best to don't be hypered . I try to keep my patience in all situations upto my best level either by keep quiet and not answering to others.

Because if i will argue of course I would lost my patience but insm very thankful to life who taught me anger is not always in life patience is need of life and it give a good impression to others and people admired you such a cool person he had no anger.

When you lose patience how do you act?

When i lose patience sorry to told you i shout and started arguing although as I told you its worst part of my life but now i stopped reacting over the things which i still don't like but its the positive change of my personality that i had overcome my reaction over the anger.

What can you advise us regarding patience?

I advised you listen more and answer less. If you stopped arguing you will start learning about the patience and slowly it would be part of your personality and you know life teaches us alot and we become wise with the passage of time and started living cool while responding less yo others.

Its all about my today's post please share your feedback. I would like to invite my dear friend @m-fdo, @ashkhan and @suboohi to participate in the contest.


Thank you for your advice. Listening more and speaking less can indeed be beneficial in many situations. It allows us to gain a deeper understanding of others' perspectives and promotes effective communication.

It can be challenging to control anger, and reacting with tears doesn't make you weak. Seek support to manage emotions better.

Oye creo que estás en el equipo mío Somo de las que fácilmente perdemos la paciencia pero debemos tratar de controlar eso para no lastimar a las demás personas por nuestra reacción, que que las personas con mucha paciencia tienen un mejor autocontrol de su vida



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @suboohi

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