in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)
I am glad to participate in 47th STORY WRITING CONTEST. / Running away!

by @fjjrg Source I have written this story in English but providing its Spanish translation for the ease of reading to my Spanish friends at the bottom.

Here is the original story by @fjjrg

Mariangel is a business woman, she has cryptocurrency accounts, she works trading for several clients. She buys shares of companies when they are down and then sells them when they are up. It is a risky game as the stock market is very unstable. Her partner, Boris, sees her very confident, asks her what operations she is going to do in the stock market, to which she replies nothing, that she is not going to do anything that day since the market is low.

The next day, Mariangel speaks to her boss on the phone, she was on her way to the office when she received 2 threatening calls asking for information about the market, she tells Boris that she is afraid, that at that moment some motorcycles are following her, the boss He tells her to try to lose them on the highway, that he is going to send his men to protect her, but not for the world to let himself be captured. At that moment, Mariangel realizes that a motorcycle is dangerously close to her door...

Now it's my turn to tell you the story from here on...


Mariangel was driving at a normal speed on her way to work when she received a call.

Mariangel looked at her phone, the call was from an unknown number, so she decided to skip the call, but the phone rang again. Mariangel stopped her car on the side and responded, "Mariangel, on this side, may I know who's calling?"

She heard a husky voice from the other side, "I am David, and I am expecting crucial information from you."

Mariangel was curious, "How can I help you?"

"The caller, "I am interested to know what accounts you are handling today and what the actual amount you will invest in them is?"

Mariangel, "But I can't give you the names or details of their accounts of my clients, that's against our business ethics."

Mariangel disconnected the phone, started the engine of her car, and came back into the driving lane, but suddenly she felt a couple of motorcycles riding alongside her. She felt too nervous, and then she received a text message. She glanced at it, "You still have a chance to pass on the information, that's crucial for us, you, and your company."

the mafia

Mariangel felt something unusual. She stepped on the gas pedal and, in the meantime, pressed digit 1 on her phone, which connected her to her boss, Boris directly.

As soon as Boris picked up the phone, Mariangel spoke in her Bluetooth mic, "Boris, I am afraid a few suspicious guys are trying to ask for secret information about our clients." They're following me on their motorcycles, and I am scared to death."

Boris immediately responded back, "Don't worry, keep driving, I am contacting the police as well as sending a team to safeguard you. Give me your location."

Mariangel sent him her location and kept driving at a normal speed. Meanwhile, one of the motorcyclists bypassed her and came in front of her car, the other one closed her from the right, and the third one closed her from the left. The motorcyclist in front gradually slowed his speed, so Mariangel had to slow down and ultimately stop her car.

One of the motorcyclists came to her car, knocked on the window, and gestured for her to lower the glass. Mariangel lowered the window glass. The motorcyclist took his ID card and said, Finance Crime Beureo, I am Detective Laurance. Please follow us to our office."

Mariangel was surprised, "But what's the matter, officer?"

Actually, one of the accounts you're handling belong to a mafia don trying to convert a huge amount of money into cryptocurrency and take it out of the country. He is involved in the major drug syndicate, so we need all the information."

Meanwhile, Mariangel saw her boss, Boris, stop his car on the other side of the road and come towards her with another staffer. She felt relieved as Boris approached them. He and the other staffer sat in her car, and now they were ready to go to the Finance Crime office to support the department against crime.

Mariangel looked at her boss Boris and took a sigh of relief.

Original in English


Mariangel conducía a velocidad normal camino al trabajo cuando recibió una llamada.

Mariangel miró su teléfono, la llamada era de un número desconocido, por lo que decidió saltarse la llamada, pero el teléfono volvió a sonar. Mariangel detuvo su auto a un lado y respondió: "Mariangel, de este lado, ¿puedo saber quién llama?".

Escuchó una voz ronca desde el otro lado, "Soy David, y espero información crucial de ti".

Mariangel tenía curiosidad, "¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?"

"La persona que llama, "Me interesa saber qué cuentas está manejando hoy y cuál es el monto real que invertirá en ellas".

Mariangel, "Pero no puedo darle los nombres o detalles de las cuentas de mis clientes; eso va en contra de nuestra ética comercial".

Mariangel desconectó el teléfono, encendió el motor de su auto y regresó al carril de circulación, pero de repente sintió un par de motocicletas a su lado. Se sentía demasiado nerviosa y luego recibió un mensaje de texto. Lo miró, "Todavía tienes la oportunidad de transmitir la información, eso es crucial para nosotros, para ti y para tu empresa".

Mariangel sintió algo inusual. Pisó el acelerador y, mientras tanto, presionó 1 en su teléfono, lo que la conectó con su jefe, Boris.

Tan pronto como Boris levantó el teléfono, Mariangel habló en su micrófono Bluetooth: "Boris, me temo que algunos tipos sospechosos están tratando de pedir información secreta sobre nuestros clientes". Me están siguiendo en sus motocicletas y estoy muerta de miedo”.

Boris respondió de inmediato: "No te preocupes, sigue conduciendo, me comunicaré con la policía y enviaré un equipo para protegerte. Dame tu ubicación".

Mariangel le envió su ubicación y siguió manejando a velocidad normal. Mientras tanto, uno de los motociclistas la rebasó y se colocó frente a su automóvil, el otro la cerró por la derecha y el tercero la cerró por la izquierda. El motociclista en frente disminuyó gradualmente su velocidad, por lo que Mariangel tuvo que reducir la velocidad y finalmente detener su automóvil.


Uno de los motociclistas se acercó a su auto, golpeó la ventana y le hizo un gesto para que bajara el vidrio. Mariangel bajó el vidrio de la ventana. El motociclista tomó su cédula de identidad y dijo, Crimen Financiero Beureo, soy el Detective Laurance. Por favor, síganos a nuestra oficina".

Mariangel se sorprendió, "¿Pero qué pasa, oficial?"

En realidad, las cuentas que maneja pertenecen a un mafioso que intenta convertir una gran cantidad de dinero en criptomonedas y sacarlas del país. Está involucrado en el principal sindicato de drogas, por lo que necesitamos toda la información".

Mientras tanto, Mariangel vio a su jefe, Boris, detener su automóvil al otro lado de la carretera y acercarse a ella con otro miembro del personal. Se sintió aliviada cuando Boris se acercó a ellos. Él y el otro miembro del personal se sentaron en su automóvil y ahora estaban listos para ir a la oficina de Crimen Financiero para apoyar al departamento contra el crimen.

Mariangel miró a su jefe Boris y suspiró aliviada.

Translated in Spanish

I invite, @josepha, @aparajitoalamin and @irawandedy

10% @hive-181136

 last year 

Los negocios bursátiles y de criptos son buenas oportunidades para invertir y así hacer blanqueo de dinero, por lo que es necesario estudiar e investigar a los clientes para determinar el origen legítimo de sus capitales.

Qué bueno que los funcionarios de la brigada de delitos financieros la contactaron y la están protegiendo para detener al mafioso que han descubierto.

Participante # 09

Saludos. SLPS

 last year 

That's right, just because crypto is available universally, some people try to take advantage by involving in unethical means and to curve this practice the law enforcement authorities should keep an eye on them. In our country, rules are really too strict and also the taxes are very high, too. Thanks for your nice comment.


Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

 last year 


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