Steemit Engagement Challenge - S5W5 / My Values

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)



Hi guys, welcome to another week of the Engagement Challenge Season5. This is my first participation for this new week and I want to thank the steemitblog team for the initiative of the engagement challenge which is yielding us well and moving well. Thanks to this community for the contest topic which is to share on values and to move further to write on the needs of value and how practical we show the act of values in us.

Values:are simply modes of conduct which is always an adage to individuals' life. Values are motivation from individuals which yields an outcome where individuals can be challenged and work on theirs, it could also be referred to as a display of that special behavior. Most people grow up with a particular way of behavior, not because of anything but because they have seen and grown from that particular value of how people think and behave.

Why are values ​​important in society?

Values keep a society growing into what so ever good it wants and values are of so much importance in our society because individuals come from different places where we believe in the different values so, having these values taught to especially the younger ones in the community is of great Important such that as they grow, they would learn to love, speak in truth and sincerity, transparent and so many other factors that defines value. We need value in our society ;

  • To Keep society grow

  • To have valuable people

  • To raise good leaders of tomorrow

  • To equip youths into lives of great values to affect positively on others.

What do you consider to be the values ​​that define you?

  • Happiness.


A lot of values define me but If there is anything I can confess to myself is the fact that I respect one of the values endowed in me which is happiness. Happiness is the key to every problem and most times I ask myself why people don't smile when things go bad. Look, life is as simple as it is, when good and bad moments come embrace them because, in life, there would always be one thing or the order to break you down but I want you to try happiness as a value no matter the situation of life and see what it yields. So, happiness is one of those values that keep me moving and I want to believe people would always ask why you are always happy.

What circumstances of your day do you apply them?

I apply value in every circumstance as far as I notice anyway I should come into play. Now, having understood what value is, it is a scenario that needs to be taken seriously in society because it helps and contributes to the academics of the younger ones.


In the circumstances of teaching a child, incocating values in a child need a portrayer of such value to learn from him or her and in such instance, I make myself so comfortable then start gripping their minds into giving examples of both pleasant and unpleasant lifestyle and also remembering the fact of showing to them that virtue of happiness in the discussion which would lastly make them think to be good.

What are the negative values ​​that you have witnessed the most?

There are so many negative values that are stocked in all around us from different angles talking about lies, deceits, envy, readiness, forces manipulations, feeling satisfied and dishonesty all of these are negative values that seem right by an individuals but its a negative value. The fact remains that, a lot of things are going wrong but blindly, it feels so fine but no! Weeks ago was a meeting held in my community, the superior feels no one talked to him anyhow there for he used the money to shut every evil deed to be covered.

Do you think that values ​​change or go out of style?

This is not an easy question but the fact remains that men of good and positive values change the world and the question is, how many are having these values? Where are they? This is the same as saying our ancients paths are into serious scattering and war which would not make out. Values changes and so let's keep showing the part of good we can to see how we can live in peace with one another.

In conclusion, for a good and healthy society, men and women of value must be awoken, let's rise to see the good that remains in us for the bitterness of our society, families, and world as a whole. Thank you very much for reading through my post friends and I specially invite @ishayachris, @yakspeace, and @josepha to participate in this contest.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola amiga @dave-hanny me agrada que hayas dado tu punto de vist sobre este tema tan importante para la sociedad resaltando el valor de la alegría y como este guía tu forma de pensar y tu conducta

Aplicar este valor en tu vida es muy importa porque te ayuda a tener una conducta mas llevardera y agradable para todos ya que a nadie le agrada estar cerca de un gruñon jejeje. Es muy bueno enseñar a los demas a convivir en armonia y alegria.

Gracias por unirte a esta quinta semana de desafios, te animo a comentar y apoyar las demas participaciones

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 2 years ago 

Hi have written well dear. I am glad to read your posts nd found out that it's happiness that define your values. Happiness is something that I cannot do without I loved the fact that it is what define your values. Best of luck to you dear.

You have said it all friend, happiness gives positive taughts to people and make them feel relaxed whenever seen happy so, it is one of the value I have observed in me and I stand to grab it. Success friend.

for a good and healthy society, men and women of value must be awoken.

I love this point of yours dear friend, making good use of our value in the society is very good.

You have written so well on this topic and i wish you all the best.

Having this good comment from you shows you have realy taken your time to read from my piece and I want to say thank you for your time and effort, wish you the best.

 2 years ago 

Los valores enseñados por nuestros padres son los que han guiado nuestro comportamiento. Coincido plenamente contigo, y es que la felicidad es una característica muy importante que nos ayuda a transitar la vida de forma mas amena.

Sin embargo, no podemos ignorar una realidad en la que tenemos a nuestro alrededor como la hipocresía, el engaño, el egoísmo y la injusticia. Es por eso, que debemos ser personas integras y comportarnos de forma correcta sin hacerle daño a nadie.

You have written very well on this topic. Indeed our values keep us going in life. I wish you success In this contest.

You did a great job i wish you success in this contest

 2 years ago 

La alegria además de ser un valor es la energia y vibra positiva que podemos trasmitirle a nuestro entorno y a todo lo que hacemos en nuestra vida diaria. Muchas gracias por participar.

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