SEC S5W4 / "Reflection of the day in the Daily Game."

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago
Hi friends, I warmly welcome you all to the Engagement Challenge season5week4 and you are also most welcome to my blog and as well my diary. It's delightful to have friends who would read a little content from my blog. Today's post is a diary game and according to the contest theme, I will also share my reflections and teachings I learned at the end of my diary post.


I woke up this morning at about 6:30 am. The first thing I could do is to begin morning devotion and a quiet time to study the word of God and pray. Whenever I see another breaking of the day I must say thank you, Lord. After my devotion I went for greetings to my dad and mum after which I went outside the compound to see the brightness of the day and that is the look in the picture above, it looks bright and I was believing that the day would indeed be bright to me and everyone.


Every Monday is my meeting day as coppers having time together to talk about life. I arrive to the secretariat at about 9 am after little tidings I did before leaving the house. As the meeting continues, the overseas Akwanga local government arrived and he spoke a lot about life and he continued advising us the young ones on how to go about life especially when it comes to marriage and decision-making.


I had a great day and I enjoyed the meeting today but immediately after I arrived home from the meeting, I was running a high temperature so I decided to go to the chemist to get some drugs.


I made sure I ate enough before taking the drugs, the chemists advised me to eat enough before taking the drug else it would cause me more harm than good, and I did exactly what the chemist said, and after some hours I felt relieved and sweating all over my body which made me took a shower as fast as I can without robbing cream after my bath because of the heat.

At about 5 pm I felt like strolling to somewhere quiet and I went just about half kilometres from my house to get some fresh air. Reaching home, I felt like pouring water again to feel very refreshed and now I'm with my phone writing on the dairy you are presently reading through, and I will forever be grateful for this beautiful day.

Tell us, what did you learn or what made you think about something?


The coppers meeting was amazing with the presence of the LGI(Local government inspector). I have learned to be very watchful and careful when it comes to choices for marriage. I was so encouraged when he said every man and woman must be hardworking else there wouldn't be food for a lazy man or woman immediately he said that I remembered how I was hustling while In school coupled with my studies because there was no one to help me and my joy is complete because I'm a graduate today.

Why this reflection?

The reflection came because as humans live, there is always a memory of either what an individual did while a child or a youth, and that is the more reason why I make sure I utilize each blessed day because I will reflect on it someday whether bad or good.

Do you think you learn something new every day?.

Yes! I learned a lot from the elderly man and that alone shifted me from laziness to a hardworking person, despite my health condition but I'm already challenged to be hardworking. As each day passes by, I learn one thing or the order.

What thought or reflection would you like to share with the other users of the platform, community, and friends?

I have learned a lot and the little I want to share in summary is that friends, learn to be hardworking because it pays hugely also, let's love one another around you and by so doing we will keep moving as steemians.

Thank you all for reading to this point, I invite @venturabogarin, @hannybanny, @pandora2010 and @temitope to participate in this contest.

All images are taken from my cell phone, Infinix smart5.


Saludos @dave-hanny. Un gusto poder saludarte desde aquí🇻🇪 es bueno la reflexión que haces ya que trabajar es algo que Dios establece para todos nosotros y esto nos permite a su vez hacer lo que realmente amamos.

 2 years ago 

Memang benar saudara, terkadang refleksilah yang membuat kita terus semangat dan selalu bangun pagi untuk terus bekerja keras, semoga sukses kakak.

 2 years ago 

Hello, these meetings are interesting, I see that they are orienting the young people, trying to get them to follow the right path.
Good thing you were able to buy the medicine for the fever and you felt better ,as they say here :Si cones hay vida haha.

Keep up the good work, good luck in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Adi tells my grandmother that we should eat before taking any medicine to prevent the stomach from being damaged.
Thank you for sharing your reflection with us.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

Muy interesante esas reuniones tuviste un día muy interesante dónde visite muchas cosas .

Que bueno que con la Medicina te sintieras mejor. Gracias por compartir tus reflexión con todos.


Saya setuju sekali dengan refleksi yang kamu jabarkan di akhir postingan ini. Kamu juga mencerita kan aktivitas diary yang menyenangkan dan bermanfaat

Sukses untuk mu.

Thanks friend, you have comment beautifuly well on my post. Indeed the refletion I had was a great one, thanks oncere and I wish you the very best.

Dios bendiga más amiga @dave-hanny.
Es muy agradable darle las gracias a nuestro creador al despertar en las mañanas.

Que buen día tuviste en la reunión. Cuídate mucho, debes tener algún virus o infección para que tengas fiebre. Es cierto antes de tomar medicinas(pastillas) debemos comer algo para que no pegue dolor estómago o un protector gástrico.

El almuerzo se ve delicioso.

Gracias por la invitación.
Feliz día.🤗❤️ Un abrazo.

The diary that you have done also gives an idea of what you do the whole week. You have explained in nicely and clearly. The busy life schedule will bring you success and efforts that you do daily will make you strong. Good luck friend

Hola 👋

Tuviste un gran día asistiendo a esa reunión que por lo que describes es importante para ti. Me alegra que hayas resuelto el médicamento para sentir un poco mejor.

Tu reflexión es muy cierta, para alcanzar el éxito debemos ser constantes y trabajadores. Te felicito por tus logros, mucha suerte.

Saludos 😘


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