SEC - S8W3. "What is your favorite children's story and why?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for the participate in the amazing engagement challenge which organised by the Scouts y sus Amigos the name of this challenge is My favorite children's story so let's start:


Edit by Canva

What is your favorite children's story, why? - Have children's stories taught you anything, marked you or influenced you in your life?

When we are children then there are many stories that are listen to us by our elders and our teachers. sometimes, our elders of the home tell us the stories to teachers different lessons but some stories are funny to entertain us and I have usually seen that teachers also told stories to their students so that they can entertain the students and make their attention towards the study.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

There is one story that I am writing here which is told by our teacher to the whole class there was an old man who was a carpenter by profession and he daily went to the river side for cutting the trees and went to the market to sell those cut wood. One day when he was cutting the trees then unfortunately his axe fell into the river. He was very much worried.

He sat down under a tree and was looking very much worried then a strange creation most probably an angel came to him and asked him about the reason of his worry the old man told him the whole story. The angel jumped into the river and after sometime he took an axe made up of gold but the old man refused to take this.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

The angel again jumped into the river and bought an axe which is made up of silver but the old man refused again by saying that it was not his axe. The angel again jumped and bought an old axe of iron and the old man was very much happy to see his axe the angel was impressed by the honesty of that old man and gifted him all the three axes.

The lesson that we have get from this story is that we should always be honest with our work and does not lie to anyone if we have any advantage from him the old man always told the truth and reward he was given by 2 extra axes one made by the gold and other made by the silver.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them

I cannot remember all the stories that I have listened in my childhood but some stories are remember by me and I am going to explain them in the table and also the lesson that we get from them.

Story NameLesson
A shepherd and the LionOnce a liar, always a liar.
A bag of goldGreed is curse
a foolish stagAll the shining is not gold
A strange henGreed is curse

these few stories are moral lessons for the children that are told by the elders and teachers.

If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

I don't have children but i have my small siblings and my small sisters that are very much cute i told these stories to them and specially I told them the story of that old man because there is a very beautiful lesson that I get from this story and I also want that this lesson is a motivation for the children of small ages.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Honestly is one of the most important thing behind the success of a man and if he always to honesty with everyone and never lie to everyone then there are many chances that he is one of the most successful person of the time. The other stories like greed is curse and once liar always a liar also have a very good moral that I told to my small sisters.

Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

Yes I have created many stories that I told to my small sisters and brothers but the moral lesson or same every time the main reason to told the stories to our young and small children is to aware them about the life that they are going to spend after their childhood. The main thing is to provide them the awareness about the happening of the world.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

I have thought many stories to my small sisters and brothers and the common moral lessons are the same just like the honesty , truth ,hard, working, patience, struggle, etc. These lessons can help the children to grow their minds and developer different abilities in them so story telling is very much important for the children.


Stories are the great source of entertainment especially for the children and also impact on our daily life children take interest to listen stories I hope you will like my post and encouraging me to create more content.

I invite the @steemdoctor1 @luimer @fantvwiki and @sduttaskitchen to participate in the contest

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 last year 

Saludos @cryptoloover.

Woow, me parece muy buen cuento ya que de una forma muy fácil de comprender le deja una bonita enseñanza a los niños y a cualquier persona que tenga la oportunidad de leerlo o escucharlo, realmente los cuentos cumplen ese objetivo de entretener pero también de dejar una moraleja o reflexión en los niños.

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Thanks for your precious review

Que Hermosa Historia amigo.

Sin duda que los cuentos nos permiten dejar volar la imaginación y con ellos crear cosas tan lindas como este cuento que tiene grandes enseñanzas, la honestidad ante todo en la vida, y el amor que debemos tener por nuestras cosas.

Es lindo saber que has creado y contado historias a tus hermanos eso lo recordarán para siempre.

Éxito con tu participación..

Thanks for your valuable comment

 last year 

Excelente cuento al que haces referencia que de una forma sencilla deja una gran moraleja para los mas pequeños de la casa sobretodo. Que lindo que crees cuentos para tus hermanas y hermanos; eso habla muy bien de ti, exitos en t gran entrada!

Definitivamente los cuentos son una puerta abierta a la imaginación, me gustó mucho la historia del carpintero!, deja un muy buen mensaje, saludos.

Saludos amigo

Que gran cuento de verdad que si donde como siempre deja una gran enseñanza y es que para eso son los cuentos, para dejarnos una bonita enseñanza sobre todo para los niños.

Suerte en el concurso y saludos. !

I love this your story. Is always good to be honest no matter what. Thanks for bring this to our notice through this story.

Anak-anak dapat mempelajari nilai-nilai ini melalui cerita dan mengaplikasikan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.

Greetings @crytoloover the story is very nice, the truth must always be told the truth, the onestida is rewarded and the old man won his three axes.

I didn't know those stories but they have their good side.

I wish you luck in the contest and a happy night.

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