SEC S5W4 / / Reflection of the Day in the Diary Game // Monday (31-10-2022)

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago

edit by picsart

Hi friends, we have entered the second day of this cheerful November, and of course every day that we have spent in October is still etched in our memories, some beautiful moments might also happen, and this time I will try to participate in the 4th week of the contest, the theme that was raised this time was Reflection of the Day in the Diary Game which is a quite unique theme, and here are my entries for this contest



On a sunny Monday morning, after taking a shower I went straight to my regular shop for coffee and breakfast, the drivers on the highway started to look busy, but that didn't apply to me because I didn't work in the government, so I just relaxed and watched the bustle people on the highway, school children, teachers, and other government installation workers one by one appeared

After breakfast I just spent time in my flower garden, cleaning the yard, feeding my pets and others, until the call to prayer sounded, I just stopped doing my home activities

After praying and having lunch, my cell phone suddenly rang, it was @itikna09 who asked me to go to the durian garden, I immediately agreed and we went to the destination


A few moments later, we refueled our vehicle at one of the new gas stations that are on the road in the direction of our destination, different from other gas stations, this gas station is a little more interesting, because there is a can in the area of ​​this gas station, and the view is really amazing


It's so interesting, not a few people specifically come to this gas station just to relax and look for photos, I think this is the first gas station to take a concept like this

A few moments later, we arrived at the location of the durian plantation we were going to, but when we got there, we were all disappointed because the durian fruit had run out.


This is a durian montong garden, which is known as durian which has a fairly sweet and delicious taste, unfortunately we didn't get this durian, because the previous day, many visitors came here, and full of disappointment we went back to our house , but on the way, we bought some regular durians to cover our disappointment a bit


This is a kampung durian, the taste is also delicious, but a little different from the durian we were after before, even the price is also much different, and I think this durian is also delicious, only the flesh is the difference between this montong durian and the durian I eat

After that, we continued our journey to go home, and arrived home just in time for the Maghrib call to prayer

That night, I didn't go out again, just rested because I was a little tired from the trip earlier

Tell us, what did you learn or what made you ponder something?

In the story above, there are many things that I can learn there, especially when my friends and I feel disappointed because we don't get durian, but that really shouldn't happen, it's the same as not accepting reality, ** isn't tomorrow more beautiful than today this**, I should be grateful that I got to my destination safely, and next time I will come back again to enjoy the durian montong earlier

Why that reflection

Every human being should be grateful and accept this fact of life sincerely, although sometimes feelings of disappointment haunt, it will not change anything that has happened, so we should have a picture or reflection to improve ourselves

Do you think you learn something new every day

Of course, experience is the best teacher, what has happened the previous day in our lives, make it experience and motivation so that we can continue to try to live a good and happy life, in our lives of course through ups and downs, make them a teacher for us all, and I think only fools would fall into the same hole

What thoughts or reflections would you like to share with other platform users, communities, friends

As I said before, make the day that has passed as an experience and a teacher for us, so that we can improve it and of course have to be grateful for the blessings of this beautiful life, don't make the same mistake, because you only live once, there will be no more life in this world. this is after we die

nah that's all I can share for this contest, I also invite @itikna09 @ikwal @f2i5 @fantvwiki @sailawana to join this contest, thank you and see you soon

 2 years ago 

Buah durian memang selalu bisa menjadi daya tarik buat masyarakat Aceh khususnya, rasanya yang sangat lezat dan daging buahnya yang sangay lembut membuat saya tidak pernah bisa melupakan pengalaman makan durian. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari memang banyak hal yang harus di pelajari dan mensyukuri setiap yang telah terjadi, di atas adalah motivasi yang luar biasa dan saya senang membacanya, semoga kita sukses di kontes ini, salam hangat.

Terima kasih banyak telah memberikan komentar yang sangat menyentuh hati ini teman

Sukses selalu untuk anda🙏

 2 years ago 

sama sama bang 😊

Saludos amigo.
Que Interesante concepto el de la gasolinera, se ve genial.

Es normal sentir frustración por no encontrar lo que buscamos en algún momento pero lo importante es no quedarse lamnetandose sino pensar positivo.

Mañana sea mejor es una buena frase que hay que aplicar a diario en nuestros días.

Bendiciones y éxitos.

Of course, sir, then let it pass, there is still tomorrow again

 2 years ago 

@chopper46 realmente muchas veces hacemos planes y tenemos ciertas expectativas y al no poder cumplirlas nos sentimos frutados o decepcionados, sin embargo como dices, tenemos que ser agradecidos siempre y disfrutar de todo lo que se nos vaya presentando en el camino. Espero que la próxima vez si puedas conseguir y disfrutar del durian que buscabas.

Descripción✅ / ❌Total
No plagio1/1
No bots1/1


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Thank you very much for the response and verification sir, I will try my luck next time, there is no reason to give up the durian😅

Terimakasih sudah mengundang. segera meluncur.
Sekali-kali boleh juga kalau diajak ke kebun durian bersama Tgk @@@itikna09. hehe

Semoga sukses kontesnya

Siap pak, kecewa, lheuh jak troh kdeh ka payah order, mita musang king mtume musang trieng😁

Duh serunya hunting durian ya..
Cerita diary dengan aktivitas yang menyenangkan ya..
Smoga keberkahan dan kebaikan selalu menyertai aktivitas kita semua..
Good luck for the contest..

Terima kasih kunjungannya bu😊🙏

Sama-sama ya..salingbsupport kita dan saking berbagi inspirasi.

Di tunggu kunjungannya ke postingan ibu yg terbaru


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Thank you very much🙏


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Thank you very much

Hola saludos un dia muy movido y dinámico sin duda, no e comido ese tipo de fruta, pero veo que les encanta.

Hei terima kasih banyak telah berkunjung ke postingan saya😊🙏

 2 years ago 

Amigo, los escenarios que ud nos muestra son sencillamente espectaculares siempre, lo felicito.

Todo ser humano debería estar agradecido y aceptar sinceramente este hecho de la vida, aunque a veces nos acechen sentimientos de decepción, no cambiará nada de lo que ha pasado, por lo que deberíamos tener una imagen o reflexión para mejorarnos.

Excelente reflexión y totalmente de acuerdo!! Saludos.

Thanks for the positive comments

 2 years ago 

Las cosas pasan por algo amigo. Dios siempre tiene mejores planes que los nuestros. Muchas gracias por participar en el challenge.

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