My Scout Story. Steemit Participation Challenge, Week 1 by @beckie96830



Camping had always been a norm in the Youth community I belong to in church. This kind of activity is planned at the beginning of the year to be carried out by August which is a camping period for most people.

My Scout Story

The first time I participated in this experience, it was puzzling for me. As a first-timer in the clique, my head was exploding with questions about what to do and how to go about it.

We chose a location that's filled with nature's fine gifts and resources. A secluded area free from the hustle and bustle of life. A place where we can reflect wholeheartedly, and listen to mother nature speak to us.

We were people of different parishes who came together for a common purpose. Our co-ordinator merged us into two groups of Brothers and Sisters

The bond created by the brothers in the brotherhood was rubbing off on the sisters. The guys we intimidating although it was in a cute and godly way.

Every day was all fun, interaction, and competition. Healthy competition though because each team is made up of at least one person from each parish.

We played games, cooked in batches, took turns in sweeping the compound, and mostly prayed every morning and evening.

Friday night was the last night of our camp adventure and it's a norm to host campfire night. A social night where we all come together to tell midnight stories and jokes.

There was this one story that was told that sent chills down the spines of everyone. One of the coordinators narrated the story to us.

The story was so unexpected and it was directed at us youths and how we behave in society. He further advised us on being ourselves in other not to make unnecessary mistakes.

In the story, the coordinator was on a bus going to the village from Lagos state. It was a luxurious bus with over 50 passengers en route.

At a stop and relax point, every passenger alighted from the bus to find something to eat and at the same time stretch their legs cause the journey is a very long one.

After the 15 minutes break, everybody came back to the bus to continue the journey. The co-driver asked if everyone can confirm that his or her seatmate is on the bus.

He asked repeatedly yet no response. Since no one replied, the captain started the bus and drove off immediately.

20 minutes down the drive, it was noticed that a man was seriously following the bus on a motorcycle in other to catch up.

The other passengers then recognized that it was one of them whom they probably thought alighted completely when they stopped to relax.

So the bus stopped to let him in while the journey continued. He was so lucky to catch up with us on a motorcycle.

It turns out that his seatmate (a lady) was planning on eloping with the bags he came onboard with having found out that he is based internationally.

He was on his way to meet his family with a few goodies he bought. He was probably traveling by road due to reasons best known to him.

The lady intentionally kept quiet when the co-driver was asking if there is any other person left to come in before continuing the journey.

Everyone on the bus slightly cursed the girl in their minds, tagging her wicked and greedy for not speaking up when she noticed her seatmate hadn't boarded.


There are so many ways we learn in this life. We learn mostly the hard way but that doesn't stop us from learning regardless. This is my scout experience.

I want humbly invite @beetees, @felichi and @chi-amaka to participate in this contest.


Thanks @beckie96830 for inviting me. I will do well to participate.

I can say you had a lot of fun at the camp, camp like this teaches how to co-habit and interact with many people.

The story your coordinator told you was interesting, the lady was wicked and greedy not to voiced out that her sit partner is not in the bus all because she wants to go away with all the goodies in the man's bag.

I enjoyed reading the story, thank you for sharing.

Good one @beckie96830.
Your Story was interesting actually. Your first time of scouting was super exciting experience.

I have not gone scouting before but I hope that someday, I will.

Thanks for sharing this story @beckie96830

Congratulations on a being a winner in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 2, Week 1.

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