SEC - S8W4. "It all ends with death?"

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)
Hello Scouts y sus Amigos Community

Hello my dear friends! I am @aviral123 from India.

Today I am going to take part in this amazing STEEMIT ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE Season 08 - Week 04 . The topic is It all ends with death?



Do you believe in life after death?

Yes, I believe in life after death. It's a new beginning of our life. I believe that there is life after death where we can meet our maker means God. Death is not the end of our life but a new journey to start. There is life after death. This only depends on our faith and opinions.

Some of us don't believe that there is life after death. They think that it is the end of human existence. But they have to think about this matter. Anyways, everyone has their own opinions.


Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Life is a natural part of life. But everyone have their own perspectives. If you look upon my opinion on this matter. So it's a natural part.

Some of us get death peacefully and some struggles from the same. Ultimately it depends upon the individual 's perspective that what they think about it.


Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Yes, I have recently passed through one situation that has put me in the risk of death. Few days back, I was going through my car and suddenly a bike came infront of my car. The driver of the bike has been drunk a lot of.

I was saved by the grace of God. Gow knows how I survived that day. That bike was passed through my car with a distance of 1 feet. Which make me felt that my car has been crashed.


How do you want to be remembered after death?

No, I don't want to be remembered after death. I want a peaceful journey with no one with sadness of farewell. I want to cross the phrase of life to after death in a very peaceful manner.

I don't want to be recalled by anyone after death. As I said, it's a natural part of the cycle of life.


Overall, I believe in life after death. It's a natural part of life cycle. There is a life after death. Where we meet our maker, God upon our death. I don't want that anyone remember me after my death.


I would like to invite my 3 friends to take part in this amazing contest: @malikusman1 , @yourloveguru, @faran-nabeel.



Thanks 🙏


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 last year 

Hola amiga!!

Qué bueno que creas en la vida después de la muerte, Dios nos hará el llamado cuando nos necesite por eso debemos estar preparados, la muerte es algo natural aunque muchas veces le tengamos miedo hablar al respecto.

El episodio que nos cuentas qué pasó con tu coche sin duda alguna fue un momento de peligro en el que Dios te protegió, por eso debemos orar siempre a Dios para que nos cuide de todo peligro.

Saludos y éxitos en el concurso!!

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Saludos @aviral123.

Gracias a Dios que guardo de eso que pasaste recientemente. Es que el amor de Dios y su cuidado es para todos.

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