SEC-S10W5 | Patience.

Hello Scouts y sus Amigos Community

Greetings ! I hope you all are good and well by the grace of God 🙏. This is my participation post in this very interesting "SEC-S10W5 contest. Thanks Scouts y sus Amigos Community for organizing this amazing contest. "Patience" is very interesting topic.So Without any delaying time , let's get started


. Do you tend to lose your patience easily or do you control yourself all the time?

I don't lose my patience easily. I work with patience as long as I can. I don't give up on anything easily. I am a woman of simple thoughts. But sometimes some situations start coming like this. It seems as if patience will be lost now.

It is said that the fruit of patience is sweet

I pray to God that God should not test me so much that my patience starts to wane. I don't get angry very quickly, I never bother anyone intentionally, I always try not to hurt anyone even by mistake.


You cannot control yourself all the time. Sometimes such situations come when you lose your patience. Still, I try to keep myself calm so that no such word comes out of my mouth, which can insult anyone. Because the wound can be cured, but the arrow in the form of sharp words that came out of the tongue can never come back.


What is it that makes you most desperate or stressful?

I am mostly stressed about my financial condition. Because of that I worry about the future of my children whether I will be able to give them a good future? I will be able to give them good living conditions and good education.

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I am not greedy for much money, but I pray to God to give me enough income so that we husband and wife can provide good lifestyle and good education to our two children. Because nowadays parents are more demanding than children. They want to provide every happiness and every facility to their children.


How do you avoid losing your patience?

To avoid losing my temper, I don't let negative thoughts enter my mind. I discuss the positive aspects and give 100% of my hard work and take any decision after considering both the advantages and disadvantages of any work.


I don't lose my patience, so I keep my faith on my God that someday God will listen to my prayers. Someday he will remember that his daughter is holding the thread of faith in his name.


When you lose patience, how do you act?

When I lose my patience I get very nervous I feel like crying Sometimes I lighten my heart by crying I like to be alone for a while I don't feel like talking to anyone but doing all this Life doesn't work because I feel that if I attack like this, you, my husband, my children will all be scared, so after a while I work again with a new belief and a new energy to be successful in it. work hard.


Because life cannot be lived by giving up.

my life's motto

Try try but don't cry


What advice can you give us regarding patience?

Regarding patience, my advice to everyone is that everything should be done with patience. The work done in haste never gives proper results.

"It is said that when something is cooked slowly, its taste is different, similarly when any work is done with patience and with full hard work, then success is definitely achieved in it."


Our elders say that one should always eat after cooling, that is, if you keep any burning thing in your mouth, then it is sure to burn. Similarly, work done without patience cannot be successful.

Patience is a symbol of our understanding, people who work without patience are considered childish from the social point of view.

25% to @null


I want to invite my friends to take part in this contest: @jyoti-thelight , @patjewel , @inspiracion , @anasuleidy , @josevas217.


Thankyou 🙏



 last year 

Hello friend

Patience is one of my virtues, I usually take things in stride.... When it reaches the limit it is because they abuse the patience we have. Generally, everything has a rhythm and you have to know that life is one and only one so it is better to do something productive and ignore those things that make us lose patience.

Thank you very much for sharing.

 last year 

Saludos @aviral123.

Es cierto que constantemente se presentan situaciones que ponen a prueba nuestra paciencia, no siempre estamos con la mejor disposición o tolerancia para afrontar todo, pero lo importante es respetar nuestros limites y saber controlarnos para no desesperarnos y reaccionar de mala manera.

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 last year 

Hi friend!!
It is good that you are a patient woman, without a doubt patience is a virtue and a value that few people have
I agree with you that it is desperate to have economic and financial problems.
Thank you for the invitation and success always.

Thankyou dear for reading my post and leaving precious comment.

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