SEC - S10W3 | The power of good advice.

Greetings to all steemians in this community, is another great week of challenge with a new topic, talking about advice, and am happy to participate in this challenge.


What do you think advice is for, is it really necessary?

For me I think a pice of advice given to me means a lot to me, because as an inpefect person I don't know everything in this life, and when I see someone advising me am happy.
It is very necessary to me because the advice may save me from danger and also can make me change to a better person or achieve a better goal. So therefore an advice is to help someone make a change in life or acquired a good thing, though it depend on the type of advice given.

What is the best advice you have received, who gave it to you?

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The best advice I have received is when I was told never to associate with bad friends, and my mother was the person who gave me that advice and it always comes repeatedly from her, that bad association spoils good character.
Growing up I was very stubborn and always do what I wish to do but I always give people thier respect, so because of my stubbornness my mother was scared I will join bad friends so she always advice me base on that, which I held to the advice and it really help me alots till now.

To whom do you regularly turn to for advice?

The very first person i will always meets for advice is my mother, because she is always available all time. Then I can still get advice from other people outside or within the family.

Do you like to give or receive advice?

I will like to give advice to anyone near me, because it may help the person just as my mother advice helps me so I will also like to advice other people too telling them of my own example.
In the other way I will also like to receive advice from anyone who is advising me in a right way, because I know it will help me in my daily life if not at that particular moment in time to come.

What is the best advice you have received on Steemit, who gave it to you and what has it helped you with?

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The best advice have received in steemit is that, I was told never to focus on the money I make from steemit but rather I should always try to make post that will educate people in life. And also write meaningful things that will be beneficial for others.
My sister who introduced me in steemit gave me the advice.
It has help me alot in the sense that when I make a post and someone comment on my post in a nice way it gives me joy and motivate me to write more post.


Hello dear friend . Your mother have advice you well and i am sure the advice for you to STOP ASSOCIATING WITH BAD FREINDS have help you not to be negatively influenced.

Many people are affected by influence of bad friends which has cause them alot of regret, thanks to your mother for cautioning you earlier.

Thanks for shearing and best of luck.

Thanks friend

Very Nice,
Advice can come from colorful sources similar as family, musketeers, instructors, or indeed nonnatives who have endured analogous situations. It can give fresh perceptivity, indispensable perspectives, and practical results to problems or challenges you may be facing. It can also help you avoid implicit risks or miscalculations that others have made before you. best of luck

Thanks friend

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Curated by - @goodybest

Taking an advice is very important be it can save one from danger. Not just taking one but adhering to the advice is also necessary. So many people have been harmed because they didn't adhere to the the advice given to them. It's well o

Thanks friend

 last year 

Hola amiga. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Todos somos seres imperfectos y siempre estamos necesitando de un buen consejo sin importarla edad.
Qué buen consejo te dio tu mamá, muchas veces las malas amistades nos llevan por el mal camino.

Muy buen consejo el que te dieron, no debemos enfocarnos en el dinero que podemos generar en steemit sino en disfrutar de lo que hacemos tratando de que cada día sea mejor.

Amiga debes colocar una breve descripción al pie de todas tus fotografías, por otro lado una de las reglas del concurso era invitar a tres amigos a participar, debes colocar tu logro 1 al final de tus post. Para que tu csi sea mayor a 5 debes comentar y votar los post de tus compañeros. Puedes hacer uso de la etiqueta del club100.

Éxitos en el concurso amiga.

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Date of Verification19/06/2023

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 last year 

La madres, son excelentes consejera, siempre tienen la razón, por ser mujeres sabías y con mucho conocimiento, de las cosas que han vivido.

Toma el consejo de tu hermana, que te trajo a steemit.

Gracias amiga

i love that any one give importane to parent, i think mother is great and trustworty guider , who always guide her kids to best way, so also love to get advice from my great mother

yes we should build our steemit blog , not for vote, not for money, if we will focus on quality of work then we can get every things nice advice you got

Thanks friend

 last year 

Saludos amiga

Tienes mucha razón no hay persona perfecta en el mundo que tenga la verdad absoluta todos en cualquier momento necesitamos y requerimos de buenos consejos para salir de mala situaciones o simplemente para tomar las mejores decisiones de la vida.
Es por ello que debemos estar abierto a recibir los mejores consejos sobre todo de la gente mayor de nuestros familiares y amigos o de las personas que tienen experiencia y que pueden ayudarnos ante cualquier situación difícil.

Alejarse de las malas compañías es un extraordinario consejo que todos deberíamos poner en práctica sobre todos los jóvenes para no arrepentirse de errores que puedan cometer.

Buena suerte y bendiciones para usted

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