It's never too late to walk away

in Scouts y sus Amigos7 months ago (edited)



A friend of mine was telling me about something the other day, something that I could tell was very upsetting for him due to how much he tried to keep his cool throughout the whole conversation. He was talking to me about his dad who recently got married (his mom died some time back) and it turned out the lady he married was the devil herself.

Unfortunately, himself and his brother (he has just one brother) both school very far away from home and can't travel home at will unless during the holidays, so everything that has been happening at home he has heard through phone calls from his dad.

His dad would occasionally call him with physical evidence whenever she did something wrong, just so that he could be a witness to the whole thing just in case the matter gets out of hand and he needs someone to help back his story. He said his dad did this because he understands that in today's world, people tend to take sides with the woman especially when it comes to issues of domestic violence, so he was telling his eldest son everything, so that when the time comes that he needs someone to defend him with evidence, his son will be there.

Now all of this was obviously pissing his son off because no one would enjoy watching their father who recently just got back on his feet after grieving his late wife go through all of this. And according to my friend, he probably would have killed the lady a long time ago if he was at home.



Of course that is just the anger talking but you see, while he told me about all of this, I had one question burning in my heart, one question that I was very eager to ask but had to calm myself to let him finish because I understand that sometimes, when people come to you to talk, they don't necessarily want your advise or you talking back, they just want to rant and the best thing you can do at that moment is say nothing and just listen to them.

So I decided to hold back my question, even though I feel it was a simple question, a question that could most likely put an end to this whole thing.. Why doesn't he just leave? Why doesn't he just end it and they both go their separate ways?

After all, unlike most western countries, divorce isn't really a big deal here. Most people just walk away and tell their spouse that they're no longer interested in staying married to them. I know it's crazy but it happens a lot.



But on a more serious note, the marriage obviously isn't working and the best thing the man can do for himself is leave before someone ends up getting hurt or worse, dead. But then again, I guess the only reason he probably hasn't done that yet is the same reason people choose to stay with abusive partners.

I don't know what reason that is but whatever it may be, it's stupid.


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