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RE: SEC - S17W3 | "Hablemos del esquema Ponzi"

Greetings friend,
I must say it’s been educating going through your post. You really threw a good light on these Ponzi schemes and how they operate. I must say that I was entrigued with the flower story and it’s blossoming when you invite people to join
it blossoms until all the petals are formed. And you would loose your investment if the process is not complete. I must say that it would be quite painful if you didn’t complete the process. Funny enough I think it’s absurd how this people come about with so many things that are funny and we somehow tend to fall prey to these gimmicks, just because of hard economy and looking for ways to make ends meet. I too have been a victim to these schemes that promised so much with little risk. I ended up loosing my money and the fact that it was borrowed made it so difficult. I almost thought of committing suicide. But thank God am able to bounce back. These schemes they use is very visible now and we must try to be very careful with these things. Joining genuine platforms like steemit is the best way to avoid these fake platforms. Great posts you’ve made . Greetings and success.


Hola Alexander, que bueno que te gustara mi publicacion, sigo tratando, lamento leer que casi piensas en suicidarte por algo así, eso es bastante fuerte y lo entiendo, yo recuerdo que con la fiebre de los NFT comencé a ganar dinero y a decirselo a la gente, pero muchas personas entraron cuando el mercado bajó, y perdieron todo su dinero, que incluso habían pedido prestado, y eso me hizo sentir bastante mal, por lo cual, ahora si yo invierto en algo de alto riesgo evito decirselo a las personas. Steemit sin duda es un gran lugar, para expresarnos y conocer personas increibles en todas partes del mundo. Gracias por leerme y comentar, nos estamos leyendo.

Wooow. I never even knew there was anything like NFT fever. It’s a pity your friends lost out. It’s good to know you’ve learnt from the experience. Let’s be careful next time. Weldone

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