SEC-S17W3- "Let's talk about Ponzi scheme".

Assalam O Alaikum

Hello dear friends! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 17 week 3 in this Scouts y Sus Amigos community. The topic of this challenge is "Let's Talk About Ponzi Schemes". So let's start without any more delay of time.


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Have you ever heard about Ponzi schemes?

Yes of course I have heard about the ponzi schemes so many times. In this digital world the people try to get benefits by hurting others through the scams and using other negative means with the help of cryptocurrencies. So friends the ponzi schemes is a scam in which the old users are reward through the investments of new users. Actually in that type of scams the people make a platform, where the set some investment plans and then invite the people to buy their plans and get reward in return.



They approach the people through different social media platforms such as facebook, Instagram, what's app and even messaging directly on sim cards. Then they asked the people to invest in such scheme and they will give you the rewards of your investments with the passage of time. In actual, they just try to take a our money because there is no any guarantee for the return of our investments as they disappear suddenly.

Have you been offered to invest in in any types of these schemes?

Yes several times I have been offered to invest in the ponzi schemes and I did so but I never got any benefits from them. I still remembered that about two years ago, my friend texted me and invited me to join a platform through which we can earn money on the basis of the amount which we have invested. So at that time I wasn't aware of such kind a ponzi schemes and without thinking a while I recharged a package from that schemes about 30$.



The name of that app was Fiery and actually it was a betting app but I recharged a package without any betting plans. Then after the passage of one week that amount was increased UpTo to 50$ and I was very excited to see that. After watching that I decided to make a team and I invited my friends @rehman57 and @huraira50, they also invested about 15$ hahaha. After joining they were also very happy and excited.

But we all were unaware of what was going to happen to us in the coming days. So after the passage of third week we decided to withdraw our money but we were surprised to see that our amount was locked and the withdrawal service was closed. Then in no time our accounts disappeared and we were scammed very badly. Hahaha. At that time there was about 150$ dollars in my account and they all disappear suddenly.

Do you know how to detect Ponzi schemes?

Yes since then I was asked several times to invest in different apps which were based on the ponzi schemes but I never do that again because I was very well aware of that kind a scheme. I also detected a lot of ponzi schemes after getting prone to it very badly. So let's have a look at some strategies and key points through which we can easily understand and detect Ponzi scheme.



  • They contact the people through different social media platforms and force you to join their platform through investing.

  • If someone ask you to invest little and get a huge return then you should understand it is ponzi schemes.

  • They will ask or force you to invite your friends or other people and offer you a huge reward on creating your own team.

  • Their platforms, apps and schemes don't have a specific white paper, privacy policy and other things which shows the authenticity of a digital platform.

  • They will also offers a permanent job to you after creating your own team and completing specific tasks given by them.

Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?

My answer to that question is No the Steemit isn't a ponzi scheme because it is a decentralized social media platform which is based on Blockchain technology which rewards the users on creating contents, voting and commenting on the posts of fellow Steemians. Also it has a proper criteria, checks and balances and the privacy of users. There are so many things which proves that the Steemit isn't a ponzi scheme.

  • First of all in ponzi schemes the people are invited to invest little and get huge profits without doing any hard work. But on Steemit we have to do a hard work such a create a quality post, engage with others and follow the rules And Regulations of the platform then we will be eligible for getting reward.

  • Secondly, in ponzi schemes they offer you different types of huge benefits for inviting others forcing them to invest and creating a team. But the Steemit don't force us to invite others and also it don't allow us to get money from others for inviting them and helping them. Also it doesn't guarantees any rewards for inviting others.

  • Also the Steemit has their own native tokens such as SBD and Steem which are given to the in the form of upvotes Steemians as a reward of creating quality contents and contributing to the platform. These tokens are very valuable crypto currencies which can be traded on different decentralized exchanges such as binance.

  • The Steemit has also a unique history and a strong team which is working day and night for the betterment of the platform. So considering all these points and reasons I can never say that the Steemit is a part ponzi scheme indeed it a very interesting and valuable platform which are connecting the people of different countries.


In conclusion, the Ponzi Schemes can be very dangerous because they make the people greedy and in the greed of money so they risk their business, money and property which ends in the form of a huge loss. I have witnessed a lot of cases in which the people are getting prone to ponzi schemes and bearing huge losses. So friends I suggest you to do your own research when some invite or force you to invest in different schemes. And never forget that the greed is a curse.


So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @mile16, @jyoti-thelight, @wakeupkitty @artist1111 and @dexyluz to take a part in this amazing challenge.


Written by @abdullahw2


Thanks All 💗


Thanks for inviting me. I don't know what to write about this topic but it is what we call a "pyramid game" and it already existed long before the internet. Even insurance companies used this trick. It always reminds me of the "chain letter" which already existed over 50 years ago.

You receive a letter with a list of 10 names. You send x to the first name on the list, write a new list and add your name to it (remove the first one). In the end you should receive 10 times x. I can tell you that never happened not even once.

These letters even circulated at primary school. The worst was the receiver was also kind of threatened (bad luck, sick, dying if not taking part...) later it was about sending money.

Good luck with the contest

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 2 months ago 

Hola amigo, así es , este esquema ponzi fue creado desde el año 1919 y también se conoce como pirámide o piramidal , hoy en día ni las criptomonedas se salvan ya que en este mundo digital es frecuente usado para estafar.

Te invito participar 😀



Creo que el concurso de compromiso ya ha terminado o... No creo que tenga más que añadir que lo que ya he escrito. Si se trata de que cada estafa o ganar-modelo tiene una parte de la pirámide en ella. También esos coop shops y supermercados. Siempre hay un top ganando bien mientras una pequeña parte está satisfecha y el resto es robado (frecuentemente sin darse cuenta).

¿Qué pensar de todos los que donan a un fondo de ayuda como Unicef y el dinero utilizado por la parte superior para fiestas sexuales con niños?

O todos esos sabios, gurús que te muestran el camino hacia la felicidad, la riqueza o cómo ahorrar dinero pidiendo cantidades enormes.

Mientras haya gente vulnerable a la manipulación, a las amenazas, al juicio final, a caer mal, a esperar una solución fácil a un problema o a hacerse rico de la noche a la mañana sin comprar un billete de lotería (incluso esa posibilidad es cercana a cero) la gente jugará y pagará.
No importa si es el coche, casa o esposa como en los viejos tiempos, su fortuna o toman un préstamo para unirse o lo cripto.


Your comment has been successfully curated by, @kouba01 at 5%.

Ooh well... That is really very interesting and it seems that the game of making fool others was created about 50 years ago.. but now I think that the pyramid games are replaced by Ponzi schemes. And thank you so much for providing me a very useful information. Have a great day 😊 and stay blessed my friend 😁

@naka05 told me it already existed in 1919 so most likely it's way older and will always exist if people fall for it... The magic of getting rich overnight without doing something.

We have an expression: wie niet werkt of erft blijft arm totdat hij sterft.

Who does not work or inherent will remain poor till he dies. It says enough. If it looks great, too good to be true it's fake.

Blessings to you and a great day too.

Hola amigo, me ha impresionado mucho tu publicación sobre los esquemas Ponzi y cómo detectarlos. Especialmente valiosos son tus consejos sobre la detección de estafas, como desconfiar de las ofertas de grandes retornos con poca inversión y la ausencia de documentos oficiales que respalden la plataforma.

Tu experiencia personal con la aplicación ‘Fiery’ sirve como un recordatorio crítico para todos nosotros sobre los riesgos de caer en estas trampas. Además, aprecio tu claridad al diferenciar entre Steemit y los esquemas Ponzi, destacando cómo Steemit recompensa el esfuerzo y la calidad del contenido, en lugar de prometer ganancias fáciles.

¡Te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso!

Ooh well.. I'm very glad to read your beautiful comment on my post. And thank you so much for bro for your precious time and a lovely comment 😊

Dear @abdullahw2

My brother you put such a amazing entry about the challenge. You said very well people used the others for thire befits inbthis ponzy scheme. I remember this time when i deposit 15$ on your demand but i oost my all balance After 2 week's. It's not only woth me many people damages from This but now i complete understand this scheme and never participate agin in this

Best of luck my brother for this challenge

Thanks a lot brother for a lovely comment 😊

Saludos amigo

Es muy lamentable que haya sido víctima de este sistema Ponzi que en realidad lo viste de muchas formas y se presenta siendo la gran sensación por ofrecer increíbles rentabilidades pero como bien dices todo termina siendo una gran estafa.

Es triste que tú y tus amigos hayan perdido tanto dinero lo bueno es que siempre de estas situaciones se saca un aprendizaje Y ahora estás capacitado para reconocer cuándo es un esquema Ponzi y no volver a caer en él.

Y por supuesto que Steemit es una plataforma de tranparencia y segura en la cual nosotros mismos somos los que hacemos crecer nuestras cuentas con trabajo y dedicación y sobre todo con la constancia en ella.

Buena suerte

Yes dear friend... I was scammed along with my friends which was actually a new lesson for us and also it taught us a lot of new things about that kind a scams. And thank you so much for a lovely comment 😊



Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.
Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

Thanks a lot dear @jyoti-thelight Mam for your love and support 😊

Hola , siento mucho que hayas invertido en algo que te ocasionó perdidas, pero al menos ya sabes y no lo volverás a hacer.

Gracias a tí estaré pendiente de no invertir en esas cosas falsas y a tener más constancia en esta plataforma.

Éxitos amigo

 2 months ago 

Hola amigo, es verdad ! ahorita hay más estafadores promocionando estos paquetes , ya estamos más pendientes de no caer.

Por lo menos 30$ es una cantidad importante de dinero pero hay algunos que han perdido más.

Démosle gracias a Dios por este concurso para que los demás usuarios tengan conocimiento sobre esto.

Me agrado leer tu post, excelente

Exitos y bendiciones para tí 😇

Chai $150 is not a small money in this my side and this is what you lost to Ponzi scheme, well it is by the way and there is nothing you can do about it, what interest me is that this people do that have the fear of God them, they keep on scamming people without minding the consequences.
thank God you can detect them now, even myself I can detect them

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