Discussion Of typography.
**Hello friends 👋**
Typography is a major topic for designers in today's web and technology world. Many people think that typography is just a bundle of words. Again, it is not typography to put some text in small or large, side by side or upside down.
So what is typography?
Simply put, typography means - the decoration of color. Typography is the art of decorating texts to make them look good. Some of the elements to keep in mind during this decoration are - typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning).
We see a variety of typography on the web or print media. Sometimes I try to design with fonts in the shape of a picture. Let's try to create a neat design with a few sentences. Each of these has an underlying explanation. Typography brings a taste of novelty in the design by making the writings small and big by keeping them in a professional manner. Graphic designers, visual designers and font designers make the most of Typography.
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