
in STEEM CN/中文6 months ago

上回说到,忽必烈的第1次远征日本。虽然大张旗鼓的准备了大半年。但是。当时的日本。还是一个松散的封建体系。上到大将军吓到了。都只关心自己的。一亩三分地。就连自己庞大的邻居已经磨刀霍霍了,也是充耳不闻。所以。新的初期进行的还是非常顺利的,相继将对马岛等外岛攻占下来。但是。进攻本岛的时候。日本的上上下下已经都警觉起来了。滴滴。虽然。滴滴滴。日本整个日本对战争的准备是漫不经心的,但是真的打起来,因为。同样因为是封建体制。领地对于领主则相当于是自己的私有财产,所以对。 Bye bye.心夺他们私有财产的。援军上到。都是斗志昂扬,拼死抵抗。所以援军登陆这一仗打的是难解难分。虽然日本人的。战斗非常勇猛。但是元朝这边有人数优势。而且之前提到的那批。南宋降兵。也适合。保障了。在襄阳鏖战了近10年的精锐之师。再加上欧亚大陆上。蒙古崛起以来。风烟四起。但是不断。七的水平也远远超过。日本。是南宋的。部分原均限制装备了。相当数量的火器啊,日本人连见都没见过。





Last time, I mentioned Kublai Khan's first expedition to Japan. Although it was prepared with great fanfare for more than half a year. But. Japan at the time. Or a loose feudal system. The general was scared. They all only care about themselves. One acre and three points of land. Even his huge neighbors, who have sharpened their knives, are deaf. So. The initial period of the new project was carried out very smoothly, and Tsushima and other outer islands were conquered one after another. But. When attacking the main island. The top and bottom of Japan are already on the alert. Drip. Though. Drip, drip, drip. Japan as a whole Japan was careless in its preparations for war, but it really fought, because. Also because it is a feudal system. The territory is equivalent to the lord's own private property, so yes. Bye bye. heart to seize their private property. Reinforcements arrived. They are all high-spirited and desperately resisting. Therefore, the battle of the landing of reinforcements is difficult to solve. Although the Japanese. The battle was very brave. But the Yuan Dynasty had a numerical advantage on its side. And the batch mentioned earlier. The Southern Song Dynasty surrendered troops. Also suitable. Guaranteed. An elite division that has been fighting in Xiangyang for nearly 10 years. Plus on Eurasia. Since the rise of the Mongols. Wind and smoke everywhere. But constantly. The level of seven is also far exceeded. Japan. It is from the Southern Song Dynasty. Some of the original equipment is restricted. There are quite a few firearms, and the Japanese have never even seen them.

So in general, both sides have their own advantages in this battle. Kill from morning to night. The sun goes down. There was no winner either. However, there was still a little accident on the side of the Yuan army. It was the deputy commander who commanded the battle, and fell from his horse with an arrow in front of the battle. The Japanese side was also exhausted after a whole day of fighting, so both sides invariably returned to the camp.

Which one is inside? And at this time, Yuan Jun made another mistake. Because they were afraid that the Japanese would camp at night. So they decided not to camp on the shore, and the whole army retreated to the ships. As a result, a storm blew on the sea that night, and many ships were destroyed and suffered heavy losses, but to be fair, it was just an ordinary bad weather compared to the Shenfeng during the second expedition. The main reason is because. In order to be in a hurry, the type of Goryeo ship, which was not strong enough, was adopted to build the ship. However, although the losses this time were severe, they did not completely incapacitate the reinforcements. Mainly because of the daytime. Rich and handsome in battle. The arrow fell off the horse, which was already very demoralizing, and coupled with natural disasters, there was no decision to lose it, and the class returned to the dynasty.

On the second day, the Japanese who came to lead the battle found that there were no ships at sea to aid Korea, and there was no sign of reinforcements. It's like when the Trojans discovered that the Greeks had disappeared from the beach in the middle of the night. It is believed that this is a miracle created by the gods of heaven, all over the country. Celebrate the victory together.

The funny thing is that after the army division of the Yuan Dynasty returned to the dynasty. He even said that he had won the victory, and he also offered the spoils of war to Kublai Khan. That's in. Looted property and part of the population from several previously logged outer islands. Graduation was also in a good mood, and the generals who participated in the expedition were rewarded heavily. Now people have only heard that doing business with each other can be a win-win situation. What do you think? In fact, fighting a war can also be a win-win situation. Win is. The generals and high-ranking officials of the imperial court on both sides lost to ordinary soldiers and civilians involved in the war.




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