
in STEEM CN/中文2 days ago (edited)










Let's talk a little bit more about the US election. Since Trump's seemingly miraculous escape from previous crises, the aging Biden's popularity has increasingly failed to match Trump's. Nor do Democrats believe they can attract enough votes to keep Biden in the race.

After a seemingly silent coup d 'etat, Biden "voluntarily" withdrew from the election, allowing Vice President Harris to continue to participate in the election on his behalf, against the "understand king" Trump. In fact, this Harris is just a figure with politically correct labels: her mother is Indian, her father is black Jamaican, and she is a woman. But beyond those labels, she doesn't have any actual government experience.

Harris also accomplished nothing during his four years as vice president. Her most famous "achievement" was that as California Attorney General, she introduced a law that made robbery of less than $900 a crime, nicknamed the "Zero Purchase Act." And by all indications, she may not be as politically competent as Mr. Biden, who has suspected Alzheimer's disease.

Biden's hallmark is that he often slips up and slips up because of memory problems. At a recent NATO summit, he even referred to Zelensky as Putin. Harris, on the other hand, is known for his bizarre laugh at inappropriate occasions, which easily reminds Chinese born in the 1980s of a villain in the Transformers similar cartoon "Lion" in their childhood. Not only are their facial features similar, but their behavior is also very similar.

For example, one speech mentioned that millions of women have lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a heavy topic, but for no reason, she finished with her trademark "ha ha ha" laugh. It seemed that what she was saying was just a script written for her by her secretary, that she was just a reading machine. She gave no thought or emotion to the facts expressed therein. That is to say, although she is talking about the sufferings of the people, this is only scripted, and the actual state of her heart is not concerned at all.

Of course, politicians are mostly indifferent to people's suffering, only to power. But professional politicians can act, and Harris's acting skills are limited to laughing. So why are Democrats pushing this candidate, who is not much better than Biden, forward as Biden's successor?

As previously discussed, there is no shortage of political elites in the Democratic Party after Biden's exit from the election. Obama's wife, Michelle, is more popular and competent than Harris. Personally, this shows that the mainstream of the Democratic Party has actually formed a political force with the bureaucracy as the main body, similar to the eunuchs and clans in Chinese history. These bureaucrats control the institutions of the state and directly hold the power of the state.

In the original political structure, the president actually exists to control the growth of the bureaucracy. But when a weak president cannot control them, these bureaucracies become the real power. Just like in Chinese history, eunuchs and powerful ministers often abolished the emperor and favored the ascendance of the child emperor, while the powerful ministers controlled the government.

The Democratic Party now seems to be in that state. They don't need an energetic, capable, charismatic man in the president's seat. Instead, they need someone as old and weak as Biden, or someone like Harris who knows nothing about governing and has no political agenda of his own. And most of these bureaucrats are not democratically elected. This would, in effect, be the de facto end of American democracy.

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