Garden Decoration in a Cafe Room with Minimalist and Aesthetic Concept

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago


Hello friends of Steemit Garden, I hope you are always in good health and blessed.

Having a beautiful and luxurious garden doesn't have to only be done in decoration on a large area. Beautiful and luxurious garden decorations can not only be made in the home page or outdoors. Even in a narrow area and being indoors can also be made for beautiful garden decorations.


The size or size of the yard is not the main benchmark in making garden decorations. This depends on the design and concept of the desired garden, even in a narrow yard can be made a beautiful and luxurious garden. Before decorating, maybe you need to make designs and concepts that are tailored to the size of the land you have.


As I found in one of the cafes in the Teupin Punti area, North Aceh. At Cafe Gathaf Coffee Premium, they have a luxurious and contemporary building design. In addition, the most interesting thing is that they also make garden decorations which are located right inside the cafe.

The existence of a garden inside this cafe makes the cafe decoration more beautiful and aesthetic. The garden, which is designed with a minimalist and aesthetic concept, gives it a distinct feel and color when we are inside the Cafe. Cafe visitors can enjoy a variety of menu offerings while enjoying the beautiful and beautiful garden atmosphere.


The park, which is designed with a minimal concept, further adds to the aesthetic value while at the same time providing a campaign impact on the go green movement. This can make people aware of adopting garden decorations and that even if you only have a narrow yard, you can still grow plants or ornamental plants. The plants in this garden can help neutralize air circulation.


Because apart from creating a beautiful yard, the existence of this ornamental plant is also capable of producing O2 and CO2. Another impact that arises with the presence of a garden in this cafe can certainly give a feel that creates positive vibes. Visitors can feel the positive values ​​and aesthetics with the garden created inside this Cafe.


Efforts to preserve nature need to be done, one of the easiest ways is to create a garden for plants. According to my observations, it seems that it is not so difficult to decorate the garden inside the cafe. This park seems to have an area of ​​​​about 3X5 meters with a minimalist design concept. There is also a pool above which a bridge is made that can connect visitors to the toilet location.


In this pond there are also ornamental fish such as tilapia, carp, mujair, and gold fish. Meanwhile, on the side of the pond, ornamental plants are planted which are divided into 3 side fields. There are 3 classifications of plants that are planted in this garden in different field locations.

There is a type of bonsai plant that is parked on the side near the center of the cafe. Bonsai plants are types of plants that have been made into dwarf plants. Originally this plant is a type of plant that grows big and tall in the forest, but is specially cared for to become a dwarf in size.


Bonsai plants look very unique and attract attention, because they have stunted stems and leaves. Meanwhile, on the side close to the toilet, plants such as fan banana trees and ornamental flowers are planted, the dominant plants are plants that can grow up to 1 meter more. Meanwhile, in the latter area, which is at the entrance to the Cafe, this area is planted with short, non-flowering plants such as grass and some ornamental plants that do not flower.


In order for this plant to thrive, a watering process is also needed, then in this section try to make a roof that can be exposed to the hot sun for the photosynthesis process. From the garden inside this cafe, the city can learn that decorating a beautiful and luxurious garden is not only limited to a large area. There are various concepts that can be developed to decorate the garden even though it is indoors.

How? Are you interested in creating a beautiful garden like the one in this cafe? Thus my post about indoor garden decoration. Hopefully this post can provide education and useful for all of us. Thank you for reading and supporting my post.

cc @vipnata


 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your beauitful post and amazing photos!

 2 years ago 

Me encanta los centros comerciales o las areas donde puedes comer y disfrutar de una belleza de jardín, el lugar se hace mas especial y acogedor.
Sin duda podemos crear espacios verdes y lindos para nuestro confort, teniendo un poco de creatividad.


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