#Club5050 (Steemit Park) || to the beauty of Episcia flowers || 10% Payment to@hive-180821

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||

Hello friends, steemit friends, wherever you are, hopefully in good health always and not lacking anything, hopefully you will still be in the protection of the almighty God


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||

On this occasion tonight meet agaiwith methatIwanttoshareaittlestoryand mypostwithallofmysteemitfriendsno matterwhereyouare

thenthe story and post that Iwantto share is about abeautiful flower that Ifound ina small forestwhich isnot farfrom theplace whereI live and thisflowerfriendits beauty isverymuch differentfrom flowersother

beautyinitselfnotwiththebeautyof flowersanotherflowerbutallbelongalone

ThenalsoawildflowerwhatIshareismy friend the name isalso thenameofthis floweris calledEpisciafloweranda flowerthatis verylikedbywomenwhohave recentlygrown upbecausethisoneflower isverydifficulttcarefor

thena flower of Episciathisredone isvery uniqueand beautiful butallflowersanother beauty than this Episcia flower,etalonethe leavesverydifferent fromflowerstheothers are very differentleaves and flower color

evensotheflowersthatIsharethisistohavecolorsomeadvantagesandnotknowtheadvantagesandbeautyofheEpisciaflowerthatIshareisthfirstcolorthatpresentinEpisciaflowers notin otherwildflowers


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||


© 2022 All Original Photos By @neukyan ||

Then the second advantage isthe Episcia flower leaves whichThis isalso much different from flowersthe others too thougha flower Episcia excess which is on him at alland dontknow

Then a flower of episciavery goodthis isveryHave her beauty and beauty
The one that is in thisflower is not even in the flowersthe others are also because of itthe beauty and uniqueness thatexists Onall these Episcia flowers Ownit

But the very beautiful and unique Episcia flower in us is very rareour environment allbecause of the Episcia flower that hard to find because in our area This Episcia flower is getting rare then that's it

Enough here first,my post on this occasion isless and more Iapologize, thank you


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Bunga yang indah

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your beautiful post and photos!

 2 years ago 

Why support for my posts is rarely thanked 😁

 2 years ago 

Wooout thank you very much 👍❤️

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