club 100 || What and why to use vermicompost

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to All

Hello friends,

Today I am writing about What and why to use vermicompost.

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Vermicompost is a type of organic fertilizer also known as earthworm compost. The worms excrete feces by eating plant or animal wastes, stale dung etc. and the chemicals excreted from the body of the earthworm are mixed with the feces. This processed material is called vermicompost.

Vermicompost can take up to 30-90 days depending on the species of earthworm. Certain species of earthworms excrete feces by eating perishable waste, hay, post-harvest residues, etc., and the chemicals in the earthworm's body are mixed with these organic matter to enhance its quality. When the manure is ready, the worms and the crumbly compost should be taken separately



Vermicompost contains 10 of the 17 essential nutrients of the plant.

In standard vermicompost -

  • 16% organic carbon
  • 2.60% Potash
  • 2% calcium
  • 1.56% nitrogen
  • 1.27% phosphorus
  • 0.64% sulfur
  • 0.8% magnesium
  • 0.07% boron
  • Contains 15-25% water and a small number of hormones.
Terms of use


Vermicompost can be used on almost all types of trees like flowers, fruits, vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, etc. However, it is critical to utilize the appropriate amount.

  • In case of making new soil in tub or drum, soil and vermicompost should be used in the ratio of 6: 3, i.e. 60 kg of soil and 30 kg of vermicompost per 100 kg.

  • Vermicompost should be applied at the rate of 100-200 gm per tub tree and 200-500 gm per garden plant.

  • In agricultural lands and vegetable gardens 3-4 tons per hectare and in the case of fruit trees 5-10 kg per tree is used. In the case of the flower garden, 5-6.5 quintals of vermicompost should be used per hectare of land.

  • Infield crops like paddy, wheat, jute, etc. 1.5 kg vermicompost percent and in maize cultivation 2.5 kg vermicompost percent should be used.

*In the case of a roof garden, vermicompost can also be used by spraying the tree. In this case, for every 20 liters of water, 1 kg vermicompost should be used to make a mixture and strain it. This mixture should be sprayed on the whole tree every 10 days and after spraying the mixture should be poured on the base of the tree.

*Vermicompost can be used to supply essential fish food in pond water. This is because the use of earthworm manure increases the amount of phytoplankton in the pond water which acts like a nutritious food for the fish.

  • In the case of a roof garden, vermicompost should be mixed in the soil above the tub every 2-3 months to improve the growth of the plant.

Due to the use of more chemical fertilizers than the amount of organic matter in the soil in general, the amount of organic matter in our country is much less than that. Organic matter content in more than 60 percent of the country's arable land has come down to less than 1.6 percent.


In this case, the use of vermicompost will increase the amount of organic matter in the soil on the one hand and reduce the cost on the other. The use of this fertilizer can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by up to 50 percent. Again using vermicompost the tree can get nutrients slowly but continuously which is ideal for roof and balcony gardens.

Vermicompost contains about 8-10% more nutrients than any other compost. So using vermicompost is more convenient than using any other type of compost. If you use this fertilizer -

  • Increases crop production and quality
  • Increases soil holding capacity and reduces irrigation.
  • Increases ventilation in the soil. As a result soil fertility increases.
  • Increases the number of different organisms resulting in increased soil fertility.
  • Disease pests and insect infestations are reduced.
  • Soil pH is controlled and weeds are reduced.

This concludes my post.

Hope you enjoy it.

See you in the next publication.

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@mrsokal ✍️

 2 years ago 

Very valuable post, useful and important post. This type of compost is very valuable for the household, I made this, my strawberries grew by leaps and bounds and were very sweet!

 2 years ago 

Thanks dear ❤️

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