Beautiful roses on stalks

in Steemit-Gardenlast year

Assalamu'alaikum my friend, I hope you are always under His protection.

Back again with me on posts in this community with the title; My Flowers, Beautiful Pink Flowers

In this world a lot of beautiful flowers are created and all living things in this world can see the beauty of these flowers, especially for humans, both men and women. The beauty of a flower that is blooming provides a little benefit for everyone who is feeling confused and confused.
By accident, when I was walking in my yard, I saw a flower that was blooming in pink as we see today. My heart was happy when I found this flower plant blooming so beautifully.
At this time a few months ago the weather was very hot due to dry natural conditions, so we had to water the flower plants every day so they wouldn't die.

Pink flowers
I really like flowers, flowers that I really like and also those that are usually liked by women, especially pink and red flowers, therefore the plants in my yard are like red roses which are very beautiful and enchanting. This is a type of plant that people usually call the 12 o'clock flower.
This flower plant usually shows its flowers at 10 in the morning until the afternoon and the full bloom of this flower starts at 10 o'clock so it is called the 10 o'clock flower.

Time continues to pass until the day changes, so if today we can see a flower blooming so beautifully, then take a good photo and save it in our cellphone memory album. Feel happy and happy if we can get something beautiful and we can see the picture when we are anywhere.
We are very happy if we want to have lots of flower plants in front of our yard, especially when they are in bloom, the beauty of our yard will look so beautiful from a distance and that is real. My advice, if there is a chance, plant beautiful flower plants in our yard

Thank you friends for reading my post maybe it can please others.

Greetings for,@hive-180821

From, @kasma

 last year 

Thanks for your beautiful post and photos!

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