Steemit-Garden Daily Report (29/12/2021) - #club5050/75 Tag's [30,60Days] Transaction Details.
Hello Everyone, I hope you guys are doing great job on Steemit.
Transaction Details Of Authors Using #Club5050 Tag [30 Days]:
Transaction Details Of Authors Using #Club75 Tag [60 Days]:
I invite the @steemcurator01 to support our community members and support me to increase our community SP.
I am very thankful to those users which are doing powerup and taking part in #club5050 #club75. So guys see the your post which take part in it. I invite @steemcurator01 support us.
In todays Report we will show these things :
- Number of Posts in 24 hours in Steemit-Garden
- Number posts using Tag #club5050 #club75.
- Transaction Details of Users Using Tag #club5050 #club75 .
Lets Get Started with The report !
Username | Normal Transfer | Powerup | Eligible |
@rajaachenes | 00.000 STEEM | 17.788 STEEM | Yes |
@toufiq777 | 141.000 STEEM | 1,632.256 STEEM | Yes |
@partner-macro | 10.000 SBD | 114.854 STEEM | Yes |
@maqbool12 | 00.000 STEEM | 37.450 STEEM | Yes |
@alee75 | 00.000 STEEM | 500.044 STEEM | Yes |
@marlisa | 00.000 STEEM | 3.159 STEEM | Yes |
@doctorstrips | 7.000 SBD | 143.566 STEEM | Yes |
@rakibul6 | 00.000 STEEM | 167.401 STEEM | Yes |
@village-hery | 7.000 SBD | 96.098 STEEM | Yes |
@nuruzzahri | 00.000 STEEM | 34.192 STEEM | Yes |
@alamgir833 | 00.000 STEEM | 20.330 STEEM | Yes |
@forhadmiya | 00.000 STEEM | 244.716 STEEM | Yes |
@rachman-jr25 | 3.325 SBD | 121.193 STEEM | Yes |
@abukareung | 00.000 STEEM | 10.609 STEEM | Yes |
@pecintabunga20 | 00.000 STEEM | 1,043.168 STEEM | Yes |
@taillah | 1.000 SBD | 13.935 STEEM | Yes |
@karinanoire | 00.000 STEEM | 29.321 STEEM | Yes |
@humaidi | 21.000 SBD | 455.574 STEEM | Yes |
@freddypina | 00.000 STEEM | 21.000 STEEM | Yes |
Lets Get Started with The report !
Username | Normal Transfer | Powerup | Eligible |
@allahnawaz03 | 145.000 STEEM | 843.172 STEEM | Yes |
@jusbelmax | 00.000 STEEM | 38.039 STEEM | Yes |
@liasteem | 23.300 SBD | 2,256.508 STEEM | Yes |
@nifrijal | 00.000 STEEM | 32.178 STEEM | Yes |
@lensaphoto | 00.000 STEEM | 183.379 STEEM | Yes |
@atiqurrehman | 00.000 STEEM | 37.559 STEEM | Yes |
@nadiaturrina | 30.000 STEEM | 4,919.632 STEEM | Yes |
@rahul989 | 00.000 STEEM | 150.994 STEEM | Yes |
Title | Count |
Total posts using tags | 27 |
Eligible | All |
Not Eligible | 0 |
Those having eligibility no should either do powerup or
remove the tag.. !
Other Details:-
Topic | #club5050 #club75 |
Telegram Group | |
COMMUNITY | Steemit-Garden🌴 |
AURTHOR | @allahnawaz03 |
You are very hardworking MOD and you can work with heart ❤ and honestly.
Thank you for your
best post.
This report help us to get information about the Powerup and Transaction Details.
Grateful report to share us .
Thanks 😊
Thanks to share us this report.
I am trying to to increase my Powerup.
This post is very informative about the #club5050 and #club75.
Thanks ♥️
#club5050 😊😊
hello, @allahnawaz03 my name is not mentioned in this list.
Thanks for the amazing history
Thanks for share us.
#club5050 😀