Some beautiful photography of my garden

in Steemit-Gardenlast year (edited)

Jawa plum Photography

You can plant seeds in your garden as well as in pots. Above I have given the vessel briefing this is a continuation. Make half inch holes in the soil mixture and put the seeds in these holes. You can use your finger to adjust the hole or dig it into a good position. Now sow the seeds and cover them with potting mix. Keep your plant moist by watering well but remember that the soil should not be soggy. Keep your plant in partial shade for best growth. You can see that after 15-18 days some of the small plants have blown up and some are trying to come out of the soil. It will sprout after 30-35 days with long stem and few leaves.Grow small jamun trees at home, Java plum seeds, Grow small java plum trees about 4-6 feet tall.


Today I will draw your attention to small and miniature jamun trees that you can easily grow in your home. You may or may not know but it is true that you can plant a small jamun tree at home. The Jaman tree is known as Java Ber in English.You must have seen tall and big Java berry trees near your home, on your way to the market or on the roadside. When we talk or think about a plum tree, the image we imagine is quite large and the word we think of is 'large size', at least for some time with me. The same has happened for


If you are fond of jamun trees and want to grow a jamun tree near your home or in your home, then these miniature jamun trees are the best option for you. Small jamon trees are readily available in nurseries. These are trees that you won't find in regular stores, but you can buy these plum trees from nurseries. Due to lack of knowledge, there is not much demand for these small trees, so you may have to wait a few days or even weeks at the nursery.However, demand for jamun fruit is high due to its health benefits.


You can also buy plum trees online from Indiamart, Amazon, Flipkart and many online shopping platforms are available. The price of 1 kg of jamin is Rs.140 - Rs.160 It may vary according to the reality and demand in different states. Jamon is a good option to control sugar levels.Jaman is very useful in the treatment of kidney stones. Helpful in improving the digestive system.


It is a natural blood purifier.Good for eyes and skin. Jamun leaves are good for teeth.Jaman bark is also used in medicine.Java berry seeds are good for maintaining blood pressure. Jamon can be propagated by two methods, seed and vegetative method.Seed method of propagation is slow (late fruiting) as compared to vegetative method hence vegetative method is preferred during jamon cultivation.


Jamon trees can be planted in several seasons including spring and monsoon seasons, Jamon grows well in tropical and subtropical conditions, dry weather is best for the tree during flowering and fruiting. Raja jamun and ram jamun are popular varieties cultivated in the northern region of India. The size of the pulp is large and the seed is small. It is sweet and juicy in taste.



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@hive-180821 Please see this is my second consecutive post but I am not getting votes

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