Love for Vegetables.

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @tammanna, from #Bangladesh.

Love for Vegetables..png
created by canva

Assalamu Alaikum how are you all my friends hope you are well and alhamdulillah I am fine today I am here to participate in a vegetable contest and for that, I would like to first thank @ lirvic who organized such a beautiful contest for different types of vegetables we are our Keep it in the food list every day it is for our good health and considering our health we should eat these vegetables regularly every day but today I am trying to complete my today's contest with some questions and answers so let's start.

Do you like vegetables? What is your favourite vegetable and why?


Of course, I like to eat different types of vegetables and in one word you can say I am a vegetable eater winter and summer depending on the season we have different types of vegetables here and different vegetables we can keep in our diet I love vegetables and without vegetables, I don't see myself for a day. I can't imagine it with anything else or with anything fish ,egg meat I never go wrong with some vegetable recipe on my meal list at night also my favorite choice is vegetables now that we are descending into summer season . potol giving the highest priority I do like this vegetable very much because it contains a lot of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, and low calories. This potol is also in which helps more and is very beneficial for the skin besides, the potol helps to keep our skin beautiful .

Do you incorporate vegetables into your daily diet? How many times a week do you consume them?


I like to have different types of vegetables in my daily diet and this type of vegetables I eat every in a week and every day I eat different types of vegetables because there is no shortage of vegetables in Bangladesh. every day I like to have different types of vegetables in my daily diet and this type of vegetables I eat every day in a week and every day I eat different types of vegetables.

How do you usually preserve vegetables so that they last much longer fresh?



As there is a market next to our house and fresh vegetables are brought daily from the village, so I never buy too many vegetables which are unhealthy for us and harmful to our health and I never like to keep vegetables in the fridge for a long time. I keep the vegetables in the fridge for 2 days and in between I like to buy fresh vegetables and complete my cooking with them I never use polythene when I bring vegetables home then store vegetable from the bazaar in a polythene bag, I keep vegetables in a basket and keep it in fridge for storage.

Tell us a funny anecdote you have with vegetables.



One of my funny facts about vegetables is that here we always eat meat and fatty items or recipes with polao but I love vegetables so much that on a special occasion, I cooked polao and with that, I cooked vegetables and polao I ate vegetables as seen. My family all laughed but I didn't care I loved to eat because I like vegetables with everything be it rice or polao I always want to have them in my diet.

I invite to
@oneldoors and

Deviceoppo 11 pro
Thanks everyone for reading my post



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 8 days ago 

Saludos amiga me alegro mucho que incorpores las verduras a tu dieta porque ellas son muy necesarias para nosotros y pie eso debemos consumirlas, priorisas tener las verduras solo dos días para consumirlas siempre frescas

 8 days ago 

Hola amiga los calabacines me encantan, hay recetas muy ricas, tal cual presentas, generalmente tienen muchas vitaminas y propiedades que ayudan en el organismo...

Vegetable is good for the health. When my brother was poisoned, the first thing the gave him was kolanut to subside the poison before taking him to the hospital.

 7 days ago 

Las verduras son muy importantes para la dieta diaria, porque nos provee nutrientes necesarios para el organismo. Gracias por la invitación, éxitos en el concurso!!

 7 days ago 

Hola amiga...sin duda las verduras son muy importantes para nuestra dieta diaria, el calabacín es delicioso excelente para acompañar nuestras comidas en ensalada muy rico.

Gracias por participar en el concurso 🤗

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