Power-Sic Semana nro 22/ My power-Up with a easy recipe

in Steemit Iron Cheflast month (edited)

Hello all steemian friends

I also want to invite here :
@haidee @yancarand @naka05



This is my participation in Contest Power-Up 22-week 22 hosted by @steemit-ironchef in Steemit Iron Chef

Today I thought of making a , tasty and easy recipe to power up my steemit wallet as well as to power up myself.

I didn't plan anything in advance for this, I just went into the kitchen and found things.

To make this recipe, I have used only a few peanuts, some lotus seeds, some tomato sauce, some curd, salt, chilli, green coriander leaves and mint leaves.


[photos are mine and I make a collage]
First of all, I lightly fried lotus seeds and peanuts in a frying pan so that they become crispy. Now I put both of them in a plate and mixed them together, then added salt, chilli, tomato sauce, some curd and some tasty sweet and sour masala and mixed it.

Now to garnish it, I put coriander and green mint leaves on top of this mixture and served it.

This is a very tasty and energy-rich dish to eat. It can be taken with tea, coffee, or even as a snack in a wine party.

And now it is time to power up the steem available in my wallet, as everyone knows that whenever we power up our steem, our voting power increases. Our chances of getting rewards also increase.

That is why I have just received the title of 2x Dolphin about 8 days ago, and have set a target of 4 months to become a 3x Dolphin. Till date, I have not withdrawn a single amount from this platform.

That is why I am continuously in Club 100.
That's why today I am showing once again you my steem power up .

As of today 15.6.2024, I have approximately 10035 Steem Power left in my account. And I have about 65 Steem saved which I can deposit in Steam Power.

Therefore I decided to Power up of 65 steem in my wallet.

Screenshot (232).png

This is is my first screen shot showing my balance steems in my wallet.

Screenshot (234).png

This the screen shot when I am powering up steems 65

Screenshot (235).png

And this is third screen shot when I completed the possess

And final balance of my steem power is 10100

One more thing to inform you here that I was trying to convert my 1SBD to steem, but it got transferred to my same username. I lost my one SBD and I have never withdrawn any money from steem account so far and my Club status is 100 .

Thanks for reading my post .

Your friend .

10 % share to Cotina


Hello @sur-riti, thank you for the invitation, your recipe looks delicious, I'm glad that it is to replenish your energy and your wallet.

I wish you much success and of course you will be able to reach your established goal very soon. Enjoy.

 last month 

Thank You very much my dear @haidee.

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