The Steemit engagement challenge season 13 week I2 ||celebrate pasta with flaver and fun ||

in Steemit Iron Chef9 months ago
Greetings and blessings to all my steemins

Welcome to my post I am @sualeha from Pakistan and love to share my participation post in second week of engagement challenge season 13 with mouth watering my whole family hot favourite about pasta 🍝🍝 we all love pasta my kids love to eat and demand to made daily in lunch 😄 😄 they back to school and mostly wanted to eat pasta ,they love chicken or vegetable pasta with different sauce.

I cooked pasta in my own style 😋😋 in market pasta available in different shapes spiral,elbow ,star .So guys let's start my blog and share my participation about delicious pasta recipes and spices that I put in macaroni, spaghetti 🍝 with chicken,beef and vegetables.
The contest post like share here I celebrate pasta with flaver and love

White And Blue Minimalist  Happy Birthday Instagram Post_20231023_105635_0000.png

🍝 How much of a pasta lover are you? Do you consume it frequently? Long or short, which do you prefer?

Well I am like pasta just because of delicious taste and cooked in short time but when I talk about my kids and family crazy for any kind of pasta I prepared for them usually I cooked chicken macaroni, spaghetti with white sauce and lassania sheets with cheese . Actually I am from Pakistan and here in restaurants very perfect form of pastas available at original Chinese and Italian style but I cooked pasta in my style .

I prepared 3 or 4 times in a week because one of my family favorite food,I love to preferred add colour full veggies like tomatoes, capsicum 🫑 🥕,peas , onion garlic paste and chicken chunks some time to increase health benefits.Normall we ate wheat flour bread it's also high in carbohydrates and good for health so nevermind we took pasta which had more carb but ex excess of everything is bad so I advise you add pasta in your meals but trying to cooked with different healthy combination it's more better way of consuming pasta 😉🍝.


I made pasta with different recipes but kept in my mind it should be healthier and delicious as well 😋😋

🍝 Tell us about the pasta sauces you know (bolognese, pesto, carbonara, four cheeses, Neapolitan, vegetable, traditional, etc.) and which one do you prepare the most at home, how do you like to eat it?

Well most of the time pasta I made in home as a side dish,as I said above my kids crazy about chicken macaroni and pasta fruits salad 🥗.I made pasta with chicken and veggies and add some traditional spices like red chilli crush , garlic paste and cumin seeds.


I add only two sauce mostly one is soya sauce and other one is chilli sauce ,vinegar, Black pepper powder and finely chopped green chillies and origano.


🍝 What do you think of some premises that support that pasta is a powerful contributor to obesity and diseases such as diabetes?

Infact it's true pasta is a powerful contributor to obesity and disease such as diabetes and other weight gaining related issues but you made pasta in balance and healthier way you enjoyed it with out any health issues.


  • Add colorful veggies and fruits in pasta that increase nutritional values because vegetables are big source of vitamins and minerals like peas,carrots , pineapple,orange juice, capsicum, potatoes cabbage and as you like to eat in your tasty pasta .
  • Avoid to add cheese in more quantity in pasta if you frequently eat it because it's big reasons of weight gain.
  • Eat everything in balance way adopt healthy life style and avoid junk food , process food unfortunately physical activities gradually less from all of us life it's a big factor of obesity so keep active and live healthy.

Its all about from my side I hope you like my blog ,to finish I would like to invite my friends
to participate in wonderful contest and share there fabulous entries in steemit engagement challenge are they like or not pasta 🍝🍝.


it's pleasure for me to being with me will be right back soon with my new blog till then take care your self and your love once 💓💓Allah Hafiz 🦋



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

 9 months ago 

Thanks team 3 and @pelon53 for lovely support


You and your family clearly love pasta! It's great that you add colorful veggies and spices to make it healthier, more delicious and balanced too. Your homemade pasta with unique sauces sounds fantastic and I will definitely try it at home . Enjoy your pasta in moderation and stay active for a healthy lifestyle.

Best wishes for the contest.

 9 months ago 

Yes dear I am add some traditional spices,and vegetables for tasty and balance meal for my family.Thanks for visiting and beautiful words about my blog.
Have a nice day ❤️

 9 months ago 

Una delicia de comida con pasta muy buena, simplemente las mejores comidas amiga.

Todas las pastas son hechas con amor y con un gran don que llega al corazón.

Feliz día y éxitos.

 9 months ago 

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback
Have a nice day ❤️

Wuaooo se ve muy buena y deliciosa esa pastaa y se ven sencilla de hacer. Apoyo el comentario de que la pasta pueden contruibir a enfermerdades, pero todo esta en el equilibrio. Saludos y exito.

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