#CLUB5050 - Important Reminders to all members posting in Steemit Iron Chef Community!!! Not respecting these points can have you muted in SIC!!! Thank you!

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago


Greetings of the day Iron Chefs!

Hope you are all doing great and having a wonderful start of the weekend!

I am here today to share some reminders pertaining to Steemit Iron Chef Community - The points that I will list below are very important and need to be respected if you don't want to get muted in the community!

1. CLUB5050


I will start with the big ticket item...the #club5050!!!

The last couple of weeks, we have been quite soft on this and we've given enough time for our members to try their best to be eligible for using the tag...

Many have successfully achieved it and some are already on their way to CLUB75 or even CLUB100!!!

But we also have some who haven't done any effort yet and have been cashing out as usual...

Please note that we will apply harder rules moving forward and only people in the #club5050 will be eligible for booming support...

As from December 1st 2021...only #club5050 members will be nominated for booming support!

You all have 10 days to get to the club...and it is doable!

I know this will make us have less active members...but that's alright as we have always wanted top quality members who are here producing top quality contents and are people who believe in the future of the platform!

QUANTITY VS QUALITY!!! We prefer quality in SIC over quantity!

2. Put @steemit-ironchef as post beneficiary


This is another very important rule that we expect everyone to follow in SIC!

Never forget...it is thanks to the seriousness of the community that in the end, the members posting get supported by the curators!

The minimum we expect in return is that the member put the community account as post beneficiary...but here also we've noticed some members not doing it and taking the full pay out for them only!

This is not good at all friends...in order to grow the community SP and also to be able to reward our members with steem prize...we expect all our members to not forget to put SIC as post beneficiary!

As from now on : No support from the community and no booming nominations for the ones who do not put @steemit-ironchef as post beneficiary!

And if we find someone repeatedly posting and not doing the above...they will be muted for sure!

Someone may forget to put post beneficiary...but at least when the post is paid out...you can send the % to SIC!

3. Only Steemit Iron Chef contest will be run until further notice!


Some days back we have 3 to 4 different contests with amazing rewards to be won which were run simultaneously in SIC...but moving forward we will run only the Steemit Iron Chef contest until further notice.

Why that!?

Our main reason for this is that we want to grow our SP further...we have been expecting the members to give more support in terms of delegations and post beneficiary (maximum %) but unfortunately....we have more members who look only for themselves than caring for the community!

By having only one contest, we will have much more Steem left to be powered up and also...members will be able to post only ONCE per week in our community...same as it was in the past! No one will be able to milk the system by posting nearly everyday in the community without caring to give support back!

There will be some special contest exclusively for the festive season and then it is only in January 2022 that we will announce new developments!

For now...our main goal is to grow and grow and give support to those who care for the community and Steemit in general!

I really prefer to have a community with 50 top active members who care for the platform's future than 1000's of greedy members!

In the coming days , I will start watching closer and take actions where needed to keep our community awesome as it always has been!

100% fully support club5050 / club75 / club100


Steemit Iron Chef was born to be the place where top foodies of the platform find a place to share their food creations while earning some nice rewards...and we will keep working hard to keep it like that!

As usual...and as in any thing in life, we will have some people not so happy about the above points that I have listed...but that's alright, we are used to this and life's goes on!

If you are someone caring for the community...you should normally be happy with the points I discussed above!

Thank you to all those caring members!
If anything is not clear, please get in contact with me, I will be happy helping out!


 3 years ago 

graciass por la informacion amigo, muy buenas las reglas a seguir, yo ya estoy a punto de participar del club 5050 ya que no soy casi recompensada y lo hare con lo poco que pueda, saludos y todos los que estamos aqui no solo es por la plata,no, yo soy ejemplo de eso, ya que me gusta participar que es lo mas importante asi no gane jajaja, aunque hay amigos que son tremendos chef solo con su creatividad, empeño y dedicacion ,no con certificados, un abrazo y vamos pa lante

 3 years ago 

Thanks so much for making the effort and enter the club my friend. You know...when we have fun more on our blog than thinking only about money, things pass on much better!

Once you will be in the club, you will surely get nice rewards my friend. Keep working hard and grow the bigger you can.

Have a great day ahead!

 3 years ago 

gracias amigo y espero las cosas mejoren y valoren mucho a los que han dado y siguen dando lo mejor aqui y seguiran demostrandolo con hechos, Dios lo bendiga y limemos las asperezas para que se alimente el alma, by by

 3 years ago (edited)

Excelente explicación de lo que se requiere en la comunidad, calidad en vez de cantidad. Éxitos y bendiciones

Of course @progressivechef , we will be do a great job. I want to delegates some steem .but still didn't it. Can u guidelines please??

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