Steemit Engagement Challenge S11-W1: “Talking about tastes for food 😋”

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Steemit Engagement Challenge S11-W1: “Talking about tastes for food 😋”

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Tell us about "Talking about food tastes"

Everyone's food tastes are definitely different, how many food choices such as healthy food, sweet food, hot spicy food, bitter food, unhealthy food, that's all actually Depends on each person's taste.

Basil chicken

Healthy food is needed by the body to maintain organ function and ensure its performance. In general, the types of food belonging to the healthy food group contain a variety of nutrients. The requirements for healthy food / 4 healthy 5 are perfect, namely clean, have good and balanced nutrition. Balanced healthy food is food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamin.

I'm drinking banana juice

Talking about food tastes, I prefer healthy food, in fact, I really avoid ready-to-eat foods such as packaged foods and other ready-to-eat foods that contain lots of Flavoring, I also really don't like food that smells excessively because it disturbs my sense of smell, causing me to have no taste for the food.

I also don't like food that is too spicy, because spicy food doesn't suit my tongue, what I really like the most is food without seasoning, I also don't like food Which is too sweet, but again I say that everyone has different tastes in food, it depends on our respective environment.

Name up to 3 foods that your child or you have disliked since they were little and tell a little about each of them.

My fried rice

Everyone has a food they don't like, Maybe the reason is because of the unpleasant taste on that person's tongue,If asked what food I don't like, So I will answer that the food I don't like is fish that smell too much, like fish that live in ponds, live fish that are shot tend to smell more fishy, ​​so this fishy smell Interferes with my sense of smell,This fish is called turak fish in my village, I really don't like this fish because of the smell,

At first, when I didn't like this fish, when I was little, I used to live near a fish farm. This fish was often given by my neighbors to my father, from when I was small until I grew up.I really don't like the turak fish, Furthermore, the food that I don't like is jengkol fruit, indeed the smell of jengkol disturbs my sense of smell so I don't like this fruit, usually people in my area will eat it. Processing jengkol into rendang which is very delicious, but I don't like it because the smell is very annoying in my nose, from childhood until now I really don't like jengkol.

Pulut sticky rice in durian sauce

One of the reasons I don't like jengkol is probably because my father doesn't like it either, on the basis of a habit since I was small so I don't like jengkol. The funny thing is even though I don't like jengkol but when my mother asked me to make rendang jengkol I, God willing, I can, as long as I don't ask me to eat the jengkol, Annoying people say it's fat and delicious, but I really don't like it.

The vegetable that I don't like is bitter gourd, its slightly bitter taste makes me not like this fruit, maybe it's because of my habit from childhood that I rarely eat paree. So until now I don't like it.

Over the years, have you loved this food or, on the other hand, do you still dislike it?

Jengkol, turak fish, paree fruit, the three foods that I mentioned above are foods that I don't like, from when I was small until I grew up, I really don't like this fruit, As for other foods, I've never been picky about food, as long as it's healthy, I still like it.I also don't like food that has too much micin, eat I know about that food with a lot of micin/flavors like ajinamoto

If it's healthy food, are you going to force them to eat it or not? Because??

Anchovies and eggplant in coconut milk
I'm with my cooking at noon today

Getting used to giving children healthy food is an obligation, of course as a parent I have to pay attention to the health of my child, Healthy food is a solution because it can grow healthily, it is only right for me as a parent to pay attention to food for my child, Providing healthy food for children is something that must be done by parents, in my opinion there is no need to force children to eat healthy food, Familiarize children to consume only healthy food from childhood, then good parenting will shape their thinking character when they are adults, so that when my child grows up, I don't need to force him to eat healthy food because it's a habit that I taught my son from childhood. So, in my opinion, there is no need to force children to eat healthy food, what needs to be changed is the way we educate our children to make them aware of continuing to eat healthy food, so that When he grows up there is no compulsion for him to consume healthy and nutritious food, in my opinion teach children to consume good and right food from an early age, What needs to be improved is their mindset towards the importance of consuming healthy food.

Tell us 1 food you've always loved and why you like it?

I'll eat boiled bananas, grated coconut, sugar

One of the foods that I really like is bananas, bananas which are good for health are fruits that I really like, since when I was small until now I am an adult, Bananas are a fruit that I really enjoy, I also really like food made from bananas, the reason is because they are delicious, I really like banana cakes made from bananas, banana juice is actually my favorite juice, and several other traditional cakes made from bananas are very delicious on my tongue.

Breakfast with bananas

Apart from the delicious taste, bananas are also very cheap and easy to get in my area, for example like the photo below, How many times have I prepared delicious food from bananas.

Lunch today with #steemit iron chef writing today

Today's lunch

Thank you friends for reading my article, wish me luck in this contest, I also invite friends to immediately take part in this contest organized by the Steemit travel community.The link for the contest is below:

“Talking about tastes for food 😋”

I invite my friends to take part in this contest, my special designation for my friends @sailawana @nadiaturrina @asiahaiss @f-do, @cymolan @muzack1 @abialfatih @ikwal @waterjoe @asiahaiss @liasteem @lirvic @nexcis @paholags @crismenia @mariami @elrazi Come on, let's liven up this contest, friends

Until here, my blog today, success for all of us, and success for the Steemit iron chef community always,

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Ig: @naurasuhailaa | @prilly

 last year 

Food items in your country are totally different from mine. Which I don't understand sometimes. Your dish looks delicious.

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Greetings Chef @prilly!

Thank you for being part of the community, we look forward to continue enjoying your delicacies and eventualities in your meals.



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Thank you, for the support that I will provide the best about food recipes that I will share in this community

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @m-fdo, member of team #2 at 50%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 07/30/2023


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Thank You

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