FOOD COLOR CHALLENGE| Red-Pink Week| (Pan cake with dragon fruit ) by @pea07

in Steemit Iron Chef2 years ago
Greetings to all my steemian friends

Hope you all are enjoying you day. Today I am going to participate in @steemironchef Food colour contest. Befor I start writing I want to thank @sanuri for arranging the contest.


As the contest is about food with pink and red colour so I decided to make something special. So I made pan cake with pinkish dragon fruit and for red i use red sauce. I am shearing the recipe bellow

Needed Ingredients

Dragon fruit1 piece
Sugar1/2 cup
Milk powder2 spoon
Saltupto you
Water1 cup
White flour1 cup
Oilas required
Sauceas you want

Making process

First take a dragon fruit and cut it. After cutting into two pieces peel of and drop it in a blender machine.


Then take 1/2 cup of Sugar, 2 spoon of milk powder, a bit salt and 1 cup of water. Drop these ingredients into the blender.


Now blend it properly.. I will take 3-5 munites. It will turn into pink colour liquid mixture.


Now take another muxture bowl and add 1 cup of white flour.


Now mix the white flour with that pink colour liquid mixture gradually.


Now take a frypan and heat it at low flame. Oil brush the pan.


Finally drop the mixture with the help of spoon and cover it. Cook it for 2-4 munites.


Our pan cake is ready. Serve it with sweet home made sauce.



I am inviting my friend

@sohanurrahman and

To participate.

Thank you for reading my post



Your post was upvoted and resteemed on @upvoteandresteem

 2 years ago 

Hello @pea07,

Thank you for this beautiful presentation for the Red-Pink Week of the foodcolorchallenge.


This Pancake with dragon fruit is absolutely fabulous!... ✨ Good job!!! And I'm sure these are very delicious 😍. What a great entry.

Tip: Friend, we don't expect here steps of preparation. Just write it simply and add beautiful pictures. This will enhance the quality of your blog. :)

Hope to see you next week with a grand entry again!

 2 years ago 

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

What an amazing color, @pea07! The pancake with dragon fruit looks so beautiful on the plate. Thanks a lot for the recipe, by the way :)

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