Traditional Cuisine Challenge - Beverage - Wild Mushroom Soup

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-18 at 7.01.43 PM(4).jpeg

photo by @papi.mati

Wild Mushroom soup

Soups, creams, liquid starters - there is probably no better category for a Pole than this one. Polish tradition assumes that each dinner consists of two dishes - soup and a main course, usually with meat and potatoes. I used to eat soup every day all my childhood, and although today you might not do two-course lunches that often anymore because people have far less free time than in the '80s and '90s, the tradition is still quite alive.

Almost everyone in the world knows tomato soup and chicken soup, but there are many more Polish soups and, frankly speaking, it was a challenge to choose one of them:

🥘 Soup of pickled cucumbers,
🥘 Fermented flour soup (żurek),
🥘 Broccoli soup,
🥘 Cauliflower soup,
🥘 Potato soup,
🥘 Milk soup,
🥘 Fruit soup,
🥘 Pea soup,
🥘 Bogrier,
🥘 Pumpkin cream soup,
🥘 Carrot soup,
🥘 Onion soup,
🥘 Eggplant, and chili soup
🥘 Old bread soup (wodzionko)

... are just a few examples from thousands of soups that I could list for you for hours.

In the end, I chose the mushroom soup but not the champignons soup, which is considered a separate type, but the forest mushroom soup.

Getting the right ingredient - mushrooms right from the forest


Main ingredient collected - photo by @papi.mati

Picking mushrooms in Polish forests is still quite popular. In western Europe, it has already been banned for fear of widespread poisoning, so when you cross the Polish border with Germany, you are not able to legally go to the forest for mushrooms anymore. Poles still like to spend autumn mornings with a basket in their hand in the forest though.

Of course, to pick mushrooms you need to know them perfectly well. In Poland, we have several hundred types of mushrooms, some of which are edible, but many can lead to food poisoning, and in some cases death. Every year in our country, 20-30 people are hospitalized for mushroom poisoning, and 2-4 people die, so I never buy this ingredient from strangers - I only eat those that were collected by my father or grandparents. I don't know enough about picking mushrooms myself, except maybe for two species that are hard to confuse with their poisonous counterparts.

The mushrooms that I used for this dish were harvested in Poland by my father and his partner, and then it was dried. This is how I brought them to Argentina, where I am now living. Fresh mushrooms could not be transported across the border. Dried and packed in the hermetic bags, can last for months if not even years (I wouldn't know, I always eat them quite fast because it's truly delicious)



left is good for the soup, right will kill you instantly. The difference not always is so obvious though. Photos by @papi.mati

Mushroom soup, ingredients:

200g of dried forest mushrooms
300 ml of cream
2 liters of vegetable broth
2 tablespoons of olive oil
3-4 potatoes
1 onion & 1 carrot
parsley and spices

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-18 at 7.01.43 PM(3).jpeg

photo by @papi.mati

Preparation and nutricients

Dried mushrooms should first be soaked overnight in vegetable broth, then blended with parsley, cooked carrots, and onions. Separately, cook the potatoes cut them into small cubes, and add to the mixture. Boil everything, adding olive oil and seasoning with marjoram, salt, pepper, and garlic. At the last moment, add the cream, mix everything well and after two minutes of further cooking, serve hot.

Some people serve mushroom noodle soup instead of potatoes. This is also good - it depends on your personal preferences.

Mushroom soup is very low in calories. Of course, the number of calories will depend on the amount of cream added, but you can safely assume that the bowl provides up to a maximum of 140 kcal. Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins and trace elements. There is much more vitamin B2 in mushrooms than in vegetables. However, be careful not to eat them too often. I won't give you all the detailed nutritious information because I don't know that kind of thing, but the Internet knows, so just check THIS WEBSITE instead :)

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-18 at 7.01.43 PM.jpeg

required photo with the date

Traditionally, mushroom soup is served in December during the holiday season. In addition, it is often found on tables at weddings and larger celebrations. Presumably, this is due to the extra effort of finding mushrooms in forests or, in the case of shopping for mushrooms in stores, with the high price of this ingredient.



I honestly did not know there are so many types of soup. The majority of soups here in Pakistan are chicken soups, for example, chicken corn soup. Hot chilli chicken soup etc

There is much more, I just didn't want to video anyone with the long list :) i guess, because we used to eat it every day in this country some time ago, we invented plenty of them.

Some are super disgusting, like soup from the duck's blood (czarna polewka) or of the inner part of the cow's stomach (flaczki).
Some are quite cute, but unusual like fermented beetroot soup (barszcz) or fermented flour (żurek).
Some are delicious and more typical like sorrel soup or spinach soup or four cheese soup.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

That is really fascinating to read. I love reading cultural backgrounds and thier way of living which includes everything, from food to dresses and pretty much everything. It seems like you love travelling as well. I'd stop by time to time to read your blogs.

of the inner part of the cow's stomach (flaczki).

We have it here as well and its called آنتیں۔

Pretty disgusting if you ask me. On a different note I believe the mankind has tried to eat everything they've laid hands on, then be it plants or literally any body part of the animal. We have people here who eat cow's heart (دل) Tail (دُم) intestines (آنتیں) testes (کپورے) brain (مغز)

Also on a very different note,

ist polnisch anders als deutsch? Ich habe Deutsch gelernt, weil ich mich für verschiedene Sprachen interessiere. Würde gerne die Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden Sprachen kennen.
Auf wiederhören

 3 years ago (edited)

Check my community - it's all about traveling so you will surely have plenty of interesting things to read about.

Yeah, flaczki (or آنتیں) are kind of disgusting. As a child I loved it but since I was 12 years old something has changed drastically and now I cannot even stand the smell of that meal. Sure, every part of the animal used to be eaten. Two generations before any meat or meat-like product were the exclusive good so obviously no part could be skipped. Here, in Poland, it changes though.

My grandparents still eat tongues and brains, my parents not anymore, but they enjoy livers or special sausage that includes blood. For me all of that is too much - 75% of my meals are vegetarian and when I occasionally grab the meat (mostly white), it's a pure muscle. No organs, blood, bones or anything like that.

Ah no :) Polish is totally different than German. It's two different language families. Polish is the most western Slavic country so it's the same language family as Russian, Ukrainian, Czech and some Balkan languages (Croatian for example).

I used to learn German and French for three years at school but my skills are super limited, so I prefer to say I don't speak those languages at all

en Deutsch ich weiß nicht :)

Thank you for mentioning your community. I'd absolutely love to post in it. 😀

The fungus that is very beautiful in the picture
I think this food is very tasty. I eat most fatty foods with soda. I do not know what it tastes like with soda.

Thank you, my friend! It is delicious, indeed. You know, all the mushrooms have this fifth taste, called umami and I've heard we all, as the people are in some way addicted to it, so it's nearly impossible to not like that soup (if prepared well, obviously ;)

 3 years ago 

Hola @papi.mati esa crema de champiñones se ve muy deliciosa , gracias por compartir .éxitos en el concurso.saludos.

No son champiñones, son otro tipo de hongos - directamente del salve ;)
Sopa de champiñones existe también pero sabor es totalmente diferente


 3 years ago 

The only mushroom soup I have tasted yet is cream of mushroom soup and your's is a new idea and a must try. I really enjoyed your informative content with the backup story. Looks delicious friend and undoubtedly nutritious as well. Very well done contestant no.11😊

 3 years ago 

What a beautiful picture of red mashroom which is poisonous. I haven't seen it yet in real.
I really loved your work, always admire,, keep growing. Stay blessed

Thank you very much :)

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