Steemit Iron Chef 2021 Act 2 Round 10: Bolivian Cinnamon Slushy Ice Cream

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago (edited)

Bolivian Cinnamon Slushy


The ice cream round sounds very challenging but there is nothing what papi couldn't make with a bit of effort, so I turned off my Facebook, checked what do I have in the kitchen and started planning.

At first I had two different ideas: rolled ice cream based on the coco milk cream from Thailand or "Cinnamon snow" from Bolivia. I selected the second option because of several reasons:

  • first of all, the taste is very original and it's difficult to look for any cinnamon ice cream in other parts of the world.
  • secondly, it's very cheap and relatively easy to prepare
  • finally, that is the most dietetic ice cream you could ever imagine, and I'm already heavier than the small hippo, so counting calories is a very reasonable thing to do for me.

Yes, a cup of the ice cream will contain 50-60 kcal, so let's be honest, it's almost nothing, especially for the dessert.

Cinnamon ice cream is present in every corner of the Bolivian cities. It does not have the typical consistency of the ice creams we know from the supermarkets but rather reminds "snow", frosted pulpa sold in plastic cups and eaten with the spoon.


It's very refreshing and affordable, so it's not surprising to see the long line on the streets in the hottest days and those tens, if not hundreds of Bolivians with the change on their hands, waiting for delicious cinnamon treat.

I have to admit, Bolivian cuisine is marvelous and awful at the same time. The common food is very simple, based on fried chicken and potatoes mixed with rice (in Poland it would be considered as the culinary faux pas of the highest level), but from the other hand, it is full of hidden gems. If you would like to serve full Bolivian meal of the best quality, for the main course I recommend you to look for the peanut soup with some french fries (first time in my life I ate the soup with fries in it) - delicious!



Like always, the beauty of the simplicity is something I appreciate a lot. To make any great food we need less products than fingers in our hands and the cinnamon ice cream is not the exception from this rule

We need:

🍧 Cinnamon
🍧 1 cup of sugar
🍧 5 cups of water
🍧 1 Lemon
🍧 2 spoons of corn starch


Quickly and without tens of photos, let's follow the procedure:

  1. Boil the water with cinnamon until it will change the color and get the taste (20% should evaporate)
  2. Add sugar, mix and boil for another fixe minutes
  3. Add cornstarch, mix well, boil 5 minutes and leave to cool
  4. Put in the freezer but mix every half an hour to give it the consistency of that snowy pulpa. We don't want to make typical ice cream of that.

Voila! Ready!
Now excuse me - the neighbours are knocking the doors because of the incredible smell so I have to disconnect from Steemit for a while 😉


Thanks for reading,
10% to @steemit-ironchef

PS: this time I remembered about the paper with the date. Hopefully I did everything correct but if I skipped any rule, please let me know so I can learn ;)



Que espectacular helado amigo, cada vez nos sorprendes con tus recetas, gracias por preparar contenido de buenas calidad para SIC.

Te deseo mucha suerte en este ronda!!

Muchísimas gracias por su comentario :)

Hello @papi.mati!
Thank you for participating in SIC! It's wonderful how you describe the culture of a country in a few lines and also the ice cream is amazing, here in Venezuela we have ice creams of similar texture called "granizados" and they are delicious! Excellent participation! Great job!🌟
Remember to share your entry on Twitter and discord!
Happy day and good luck in this round! 💫

Thank you very much! in Poland that consistency of the ice cream is present in some places but not very popular. And there is no cinnamon flavors 😉

I shared the entry link on Discord, in "steemit-ironchef entries" and on Twitter 🥳 thanks 🤠


How to make ice cream is very broad, the taste must be very good. I want to taste it.

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