Daily Menu Delicacies Week No.16|01-05-2024|Rice & Stew for breakfast

in Steemit Iron Chef2 months ago

Hello!! Hello!! Hello!! Beautiful people of Steemit Iron Chef community. I'm here this evening to share my daily menu delicacies organised by @steemit-ironchef. It is really interesting to have different meals at different times of the day.

Breakfast: Rice & stew

My breakfast today was my delicious rice and stew. I already had my stew, I just had to boil the rice, wash it, parboil it, add salt and viola, it's done for eating. So, I served it and enjoyed myself with it. The stew had some goat meat inside as the protein.

Lunch:Afang soup with foo-foo

For lunch, today, I got kinda hungry early, so when I returned home in the afternoon, I simple took my soup out of the fridge and warmed it up. Then I got my foo-foo(processed cassava) and enjoyed myself with it.

During the cause of the day, I happen to feel like snacking on something and luckily I had bread in my fridge and yoghurt. So, I helped myself with 3 slices of bread and a cup of yoghurt.

Snack: bread & yoghurt

For dinner, I had to think of something light. Plus my hubby ordered for some delicious pancakes.So, I got into the kitchen and took out my ingredients and made us pancakes.

Dinner: pancakes

I really did enjoy my delicacies today. I wish everyone a Happy New Month.

I want to invite @dave-hanny, @chiomzy810 and @suboohi to join this contest. Thank you.


Very Nice Your breakfast is very good. And the rice also looks very good and tasty

 2 months ago 

The rice is very tasty and delicious, I'll share with you if you don't mind.

 2 months ago 


Los alimentos nos permiten recuperará energías perdidas.
Gracias a aDios tenemos una gran variedad de.la que podemos disfrutar en cada país lo que nos permite no aburrirnos y disfrutar de cada uno de.ellos.
Alenos el pan las panqueques y el yogurt sin alimentos universal 🤗

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